

Social Media Addiction🙌
Hey guys,
As we all know that in today's world each nd every person is addicted to social media..Using insta , fb , twitter etc. is just like a part of our life..We r not even able to survive if we don't check our social media accounts each day..
So Today I am bringing a real life story of destruction just due to social media..

Let's begin...
Here I know one of my frnd..She was a very intelligent girl , she used to top in my class even every teacher was impressed by het work but from class 6th she started using social media like insta,like,twitter nd many more . In starting she was okay but days passed nd passed nd she started lossing her concentration nd interest in studies nd school life . She used to see wierd things even she also started using abused language . Day passed nd her impression among teacher reduced . Her average use time of her phone was 20 hours. And today she is counted as worst students of the school nd has lost everything in her life..
I am ending my story over here only bcoz the only those lines shared my thought nd u guys must have understood what I wanna say. So I request u guys to plz stop using phone so much that one day u loose ur mental health..


~ Aditi✨
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