

#WritcoStoryPrompt51 #CovidStories

Are you in pain or trouble?? Did you exhibit it?? No!!!!
Come on!! It means you aren't in trouble but some sort of delusionistic misconception...

In general we hate sadist and melancholic persons. Nobody wishes to be with them. Infact the sadists are considered as psychopaths. But I must say this period of Corona lockdown has defined a new dimension of sadism. For being one we need not to plan out how to give physical and tangible pain to others. The new trend shows that simply by showing yourself in utter discomfort, tension, helpessness you can be an equally good sadist. Money has always been the deciding factor in every age, at least since the humans are presiding the world. And ironically we are being trained by our parents never to give utmost priority to money. I have often heard that money is like a free flowing brook, free particles of sand which can't be held or controlled. But among certain lessons, which I realised with my personal experiences quite irrelevant in practical life ; I feel that the idea about money is also taught in a very hypothetical manner. We have been told that money can't be controlled but we forgot that it can be beautifully managed and amazingly manipulated.

Just look around yourself all the well to do iconic businessmen, industrialists, including those who belong to the philanthropic areas of Education and Health, how artistically they are managing money. Education and Health is a unique industry. We promise service to society and invest to establish buildings, infrastructure and keep earning the cream out of it. Suddenly all these privileged good, generous people who were blessed to be the employers of many are in such great hazardous pain!! These people till now hardly walked up amidst their employee to disclose their booming earning both from back and front doors but in this dark phase of corona these people have do come out to show their pain, and most importantly ‘MONEY GLITCH'.

And look!!! Who is suppose to manage all these pressure? the middle class... Labour class is ready to beg and even have started too, privileged class showed themselves bankrupt, hence don't expect anything from them. What about the middle class?? Where are we suppose to go? What are we suppose to do? Government thinks about poor, rich people donate funds to NGO, PMRelief fund but don't pay full salary to their employee. This is a new dimension of charity. Well!! Let's not get derailed as we are talking about the ‘NEW DIMENSION OF SADISM'

MR. Shakespeare, I regret to inform you that you are turning irrelevant in this new world of Corona. We had been taught so well, “BEGGARS CAN'T BE CHOOSERS"
But now ‘Only Beggars can be the chooser'. They literally say, “ we don't need food, give money” ; “please buy me bread I don't need biscuit”; “please provide me at least 5kg of flour”... see how choosy they are and what about middle class??

We aren't even able to say please don't deduct our salary, we have EMIs to pay, medical bills, dependants. We belong to the most understanding strata of society. We understand government hence we pay EMIs, electric bill, phone bill and so many other bills, and that to on 50% to 60% deduction of our salary. And then to top it all up we are being suggested to be frugal in our expenses. Can they even hear themselves?! Tough time has come for all, not only for middle class down trodden people. Even the cycle of Karma has to be answered by the middle class only... rest stay in peace.

© Amrita Chandan