

Friends? CH.5
Ms. Cooper looks at Karen. She is dressed fancy and comfortable, with gorgeous black hair.
Ms.C: name?
Kaden: Kaden Smilas
Ms.C: hmmm, I only have Nathan and Keshawn Smilas
Kaden: Keshawn Kaden Smilas, that's me; I go by Kaden.
Ms.C: ok. Would you please sit near me? King, please
Kaden sits. Kaden looks at "Mr. King," and he is drawn to his looks and beauty. He smells of blueberry cupcakes and happiness. Suddenly, me. King turns around, and Kaden also breaks his neck, trying to turn back to his drawing.
Me. King: Beautiful night sky, you must be in Mr. Nick's art room?
Kaden: nick? I have Mr. Rant art class, actually
Mr.king: Yup, that's him. Everyone calls him Mr. Nick. But I am Tristen, by the way. What is your symbol class?
Kaden: I'm Kaden, and proper and science classes
Tris: hybrid?? hmm, blue and green?
Kaden: blue and purple, actually
The bell rings
Tris: I have never been interested in a purple nor a blue. But I can make an Exception for you, Kaden.
Kaden smiles
Tris: are you free on Saturday?
Kaden: yes, are you?.....no I mean. Yes just yes
Tris giggles
Tris: 7 pm?
Kaden: yup!
Tris: see you then

Lunch/study period/ clubs period

Kaden eats on the dirty-ass floor in the hallway when stupid-ass max shows up with Chris and Bryan's friends. Kaden whispers: Dammit!
Kaden gets up and tries to walk away.
Max: Hey! Purple boy
Chris: The hybrid seems gayer than the rainbow flag.
Bryan minds his business in his locker.
Kaden: guys, school just started up again. I want peace.
Chris: PEACE! You slept with my brother, and you want peace. He is walking around with heels and dresses because you turned him.
Kaden HOW!?! Plus, how could I turn him? He was riding my insides.
Bryan giggles. All three stare at him.
Bryan: Dam! Why staring so hard. Like I know, my outfit is fantastic.
Max: Bryan!?! What the...
Bryan: Plus, aren't you all tired of bullying the one who best you all ass last year. Like he hasn't turned anyone anyway.
Max: So you on the gay slut side.
Bryan: YES, because yall are stupid!
Max rolls his eyes and leaves with Chris following
Bryan: Hey, so umm
Kaden: Bryan, thank you but just no
Bryan: Keshawn, please don't d...
Bryan: sorry. But please go out with this
Kaden: so you are staking me now?
Bryan: No. I overheard. Anyway, he is dangerous. And please watch yourself.
B walks walk away. Kaden wonders why? What? Bryan said that.
© Jordan