

Legends never finished
The date was 23rd December,2004.I was only 7 years old.The series between India vs Bangladesh was going on. Suddenly I saw a man pad up with long hairs. I was not aware of it, even didn't know , the day would be written in history. Before starting ,I would like to say that the cricket has been crazing me since my childhood. I fall in love with this game. However, in the early year,India had been lost in the semi final in the world cup .So the team was seeking to rejuvenation in the team.

The name,demigod MAHENDRA SINGH DHONI ,came.Back to back failures in the early few games pushed him back.I also was not convinced about his success except his appearances. But when he thrashed 148 off 123 balls and the way he had played,quite mesmerising me.And then he never looks back.He always cherished the ground on which he had been played through the 15 years.After few months , the character of mahi was more attracting me rather batting style.He was a combo pack of aggression and devastation. The innings of him,scored 183 against Pakistan, does not fade away from the Indian supporters. Under his captaincy, India won T20 World cup(2007), ICC World cup (2011), ICC champions trophy (2013).But this is what all know about.But We can learn lot of things from him throughout his career.

He had started his career of being full of aggression and bid adieu blue Jersey with tranquillity. What made him so, that is he understood and was very scrupulous about his duty as well as responsibility to the nation.He never expected the results rather pursued on the process what is having the results. In very often, continuous flay and even several disparage had been came but he tackled all the things with his wisdom and ice -mind.Being faithful on the other players makes him one of the greatest captain of Indian team.He always stood beside the new faces in the team.His best invention was Virat Kohli.The perseverance ,Confidence, Cool mind, Labour ,loyalty made him alien.The difference between success and failure can be estimated by the distance between the line and his bat while running out in his Last ODI. Dhoni,Dhoni chanting ,Mahi mar raha hain chanting might not have been heard more but his inimitable characters and achievements remains in our blood.You are truly inspiration to young Indians.


© Biswajit