

Welcome to August!

🎱When a child is newly born, he'll be named, to be distinguished for proper recognition into the world on the 8⃣th day after parturition. In this month of August, May you be crowned and be given a name that will distinguish you to be made known all over the world.
🎱The most important and widely used element to mankind is atomic number 8⃣ on the period table, which is Oxygen. May you forever be found useful and highly relevant to yourself, to the world and to your generation.
🎱Only 8⃣ people were given tickets to board into the Ark of God. May this month attract God's loving kindness, favour and grace upon your life, and everything that is pertaining to you.
🎱Number 8⃣ is the only natural number that remains the same way, when you turn it upside-down and when you face it against a mirror. Even if the devil seems to turn things upside-down, and you tend to face tests and trials, your love and faith for God will forever remain intact.
🎱If you write the number 1 to 9, the stroke of the pen always end downwards. Lo and behold! The number 8⃣ is the only number that ends upwards. Upward may you go throughout this month.
🎱When the number 8⃣ is positioned horizontally, it is expressed mathematically as, "infinity". May this month bring infinite blessings and pleasant surprises, to you, and to your household.
🎱Jesus Christ rose on the 8⃣the day. I pray that the Lord revive every thing that needs to be resurrected and restored into your life.

I wish you all the very best gifts, August has to offer you.

©️ *Adefemi Olajide*