

Rising Dead 25
Feral started sprinting towards Dave and Garry , Eva quickly dive out of the way Garry started swinging his machete towards feral but feral avoided every attack and hit Dave with his long hand

Dave flew few feet away and as he tried to get up Feral started coming towards him but Eva shots her arrow towards feral but surprisingly Feral avoided and stops In tracks and looks at Eva

Other survivors trying to hit him with bats and rods but Feral is to fast as he avoided attacks and hitting them back
Eva maintaining distance between them and Shooting arrows at him

One third of arrows hitting on feral but Feral still maintaining his speed , Eva getting advantage because of the other survivors , Eva cannot able to imagine fighting him all by herself

Garry said " we have to hold him here until Eva gets perfect shot on his head " as he dives and trying to slash his back but feral swings his hands back side and Garry got hit by it and dropped on the ground

Marko is watching everything hiding below chairs and tables and praying that feral didn't come for him

Garry tried to get up but again feral picks him up from ground and throws him on other survivors

Dave hits him in the head with baseball bat , feral stops for moments and as he shakes his head furioussly started running everywhere

Now as he runs around he tacked few more survivors with incredible speed , and he suddenly grabbed on other guy and started biting him

That guys shouting madly after few moments he droped dead on ground as feral about to eat him but one of the arrow stuck him in the neck like other arrow's

Eva said in frastated voice " shit again missed " and looks at him
Feral looks back at her and grabs arrow on his neck and pulled and started pulling other as well and after that he started running towards Eva

Garry tried to get up but he unable to he looking at Eva helplessly , Tony and Mona with Noor every other survivors looking at Eva and Feral from the classroom rooms

Other survivors either dead or injured to fight only Eva and Dave standing in the way of feral

Tony started crying as he looks her sister alone fighting with zombie , Mona also stunned as she saw her dad on the ground , Noor said to Tony " hey don't worry your sister is strong " and pulled him closely and hugged him so he cannot able to see what's going to happen next

Feral launched him himself on the air to attack Eva but Eva quickly rolled opposite side feral looks back at her , Eva shots arrow at him but he easily steps away and sprints towards her but Dave interupted and deliver heavy blow on his head

Feral let's out his ear shattering scream and moved back and quickly runs away from Dave as he trying to recover

Dave said " Eva now is your chance " as he looking at feral in panic look on his face but feral with fast speed came close to him and lands his long hand on Dave's ribs , Dave bounce on the ground and spits mouthful of blood , feral stands on the ground looks at Dave and then Eva
Everyone looking at this scene holding their breaths steady

Eva looking at feral and trying to calm her breathing as she can , for good shot after few moments feral about to gaze at Eva she shots arrow directly in the eye of the feral

Feral bends down backwards and stands still like that for few moments
Everyone looking at Feral

Garry is also sat up and picked up his machete in his hands and struggling to stand

Feral slowly moves vertical and then looks at Eva

Everyone started screaming as they know there is know way something like this even exist

Feral again pulled arrow from his eyes and throw at the ground furioussly but he didn't move even a inch he staring at Eva next move

Eva got panicked after seeing this but she quickly recovered and moves her hand in back of the container for more arrows but her container is empty

She realised that she can't fight any more her heart started beating very fast and she glanced towards Tony's direction one last time

Tony looking at her as his eyes became wide and he unable to speak any word , deadly silence spreading in entire school , Marko is also looking at them and started crying as he cursing them for forced him to open the doors of the school

Eva looks at Feral and tears rolls down from her chicks feral is about to move towards her a noise attracted his attention he looks towards that voice and it's Kai

Kai came out of the room as he saw Eva is fighting alone with long and tall zombie but she has no arrows left to fight she looking at feral helplessly

He quickly came closed to chair and picks it up , and Marko sees Kai and said " this idiot , going to fight that beast with a chair "

Kai steps towards Feral as he making a louder voice of draging chair with him towards Feral

Feral looks at him and turns towards him and steps aside backwards

Everyone watching Kai in surprisingly looks on their face , Tony also looks at him and shouts from the room " please save my sister Kai "

Eva looks at Kais expression less face but she unable to say anything in the fear

Feral steps back and launched himself on the Kai , but Kai quickly grabs plastic and metal chair legs with both hands and as Feral came too close to him , he slammed chair on his face , feral stumbled on the other side as he shakes his head

Kai turns back at him and backwardly started walking towards Eva , everyone looking at Kai and feral in wide open mouth

Eva saw Kai's bloody white t shirt but again freeze in fear looking at feral , Kai came close to her

Eva looks at Kai and said as she stuttering " why... You here ....why don't you hid somewhere safe " Kai didn't look at Eva he just said " don't come in my way " and looks at Garry

Garry meets Kai's gaze and he nods and he throws his machete towards Kai
Kai picked up machete from ground slowly and looks at Eva and came close to her

But Feral stands on the ground looking at Kai and let's out loud roar
Everyone looks at feral in panic look in there face but Kai completely ignored him and looks at her torn clothes and cut on her stomach and injured armed

And asked in cold Voice " who did it ? , it can't be him " Eva looks back at Kai but didn't said anything

As roaring feral started advancing towards them but Kai pushed Eva out of the way and stands on the ground

As Eva drops on ground and her bow slides away from her then she quickly looks at Kai and saw Kai slightly steps aside and separated Ferals one arm from his body

Feral started screaming and again came close to Kai but this time Kai with his skills decapitated feral in instant

Feral head rolls down in the ground and his body fells lifelessly

Everyone looking at the Kai but they can't believe that he just in few seconds killed that beast

Eva didn't understand what's happened in front of her eyes Kai came close to Eva and kneel down and looks in the eyes of Eva and asked again " who did it ?" But this time in serious expression on his face

Eva looks at Marko unconsciously as Marko saw this he started frightening Kai looks at him and started walking towards him

Everyone stills hiding in the classroom but as Mona and noor comes out everyone started following them

Mona quickly runs towards Garry's and Garry puts his hand on her shoulder and they started walking towards Eva

Tony runs towards Eva and hugged him as he wipes his tears Eva also hugs him and looks at Kai

Everyone looking at Kai and waiting for his next move

As Marko saw Kai is coming close to him he tried to go deep in the chairs and tables but Kai grabbed his leg and dragged out of his hiding place

As Marko looks back at Kai as he gets up and about to say something but Kai already stabbed him in the chest
He looks at Kai's expressionless face and then at his chest and blood started dropping from his mouth and he fell on the ground

After seeing this in every ones hearts terror spread like fire
Eva didn't believe that Kai is that cruel to kill a human

Kai looks at them as Kai's gaze turns their direction everyone steps back in fear expect Eva and Tony

Tony said " Kai " and quickly runs towards him and hugged him tightly
As Eva saw Tony runs towards him she wanted to stop him but she said nothing

Kai looks at Tony and smiled and said " are you ok " in low voice but Tony said loudly " yes "

Then Kai looks at Eva , Eva started walking towards him Tony separated from him and looks at Eva coming close
Kai steps forward as he saw Eva is closed to him , Eva came close to him and other people's also started following her

After she came close and looks in the eyes of Kai and asked " who are you ?"

Kai looks at her and said in loud voice " Monster "..............

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