

The Tomorrow Is Born.

"It's a girl! " The doctor gushed, placing the wailing infant on the woman's chest.

Anna heaved trying to catch her breath in the aftermath of her grueling labor. Tears of pain mingled briefly with tears of joy before dissolving into tears of sadness.

She had once again given birth to a girl! Her third daughter. What would her husband and in-laws do to her now? Will they really send her parking?

"Do not come back here if you give birth to a girl again!" That was the warning she received on her way to the labor room.

"But, I'm not the one who gives children." She had cried amidst the labor pains. However, they all turned a deaf ear to her pleas, including her husband who had promised her heaven and earth before marriage.

Her cries grew and the doctor was confused. Was it still tears of joy? She could not discern.

"Madam, are you alright?" The doctor showed some concern.

She waved her hand, a signal to the doctor that she was okay. The doctor sighed and left the ward.

Her tears increased, each drop, a symbol of the pain in her heart. She was at a crossroad; no turning back, no moving forward. Who was she to choose? Her husband or her new born? If she chose her newly born daughter, would she not be separated from her husband? Her children would grow up without a father. Her eyes dimmed as she helplessly cleaned the tears in her eyes.

She raised her head up after some minutes, her eyes filled with resolve and courage as she lovingly looked at her new daughter. The child's body was soft and warm. Her smell was captivating and soothing. Her eyes were deep and black, very beautiful. Looking into the child's eyes was like falling down a cliff. They were so beautiful, yet so dangerous. Anna could tell that her new born would grow up to be a force to reckon with.
The door of the ward was pushed open, forcing Anna out of her thoughts. She raised her eyes, only to meet the mocking faces of her in-laws, and a disappointed and pained look from her husband. Her heart tightened with pain, but she remained silent, hiding her emotions.

"Another trash! " Her mother-in-law sneered.

"What's the use of a female child if not for the kitchen and rearing of children?" Her father in-law hissed. "Bring the two dogs we've been rearing over. Anna, from today onwards, you and your daughters are no longer a part of our family!" Her father in-law declared and walked out with her mother-in-law in tow.

Anna stared at her husband, Aly and he looked at her in return, his face contorted with pain.

"It's not in my power!" He cried, with helplessness written all over his face.

"Aly, don't play games with me! Your life and the decisions you make in it are in your hands alone. Do not blame anyone! Right here, on this hospital bed, in this labour room, I took a decision! What was my decision? I chose my daughters over your parents' archaic mindset. And do you know what? If I was asked to do it again, I'll still choose them because they are my tomorrow. " Anna firmly declared!

Aly looked at the beautiful face of his daughters and the soothing sight of his new born. His heart melted for a minute at her sight before tightening with pain. His eyes dimmed.

"But they are my parents!" He helplessly sang in Anna's ears.

"Your parents?" Anna sneered. "You must have forgotten that when my parents did not approve of my union with you, I chose you and our love. When it's time for you to make a decision regarding your future, you are hiding under the cover of "Obey your parents so that your days may be long"? Aly, you are a coward!"

"No, I'm not! " Aly protested.

"Then who do you choose? Your parents, Or the girls and I? "

"I'm sorry Anna." Aly apologised and left.

Anna smiled with pain in her eyes. She held her two grown up daughters and the newly born in her arms tightly.

"Don't worry. I'll be there every step of the way." She promised in their ears.

Twenty five years later, Annie, Anna's daughter, stood in front of dignified personalities from all walks of life. She was a young media personality, a talk show host, an author, radio and television producer and the global ambassador for Oksan World, the world's most famous fashion home. At such a young age, Annie had achieved a lot. She was a person that people sought to know. At a young age, her mother taught her; "Do not sit to be known, sit to know more, then people would sit to know you." With that lesson in mind, Annie went far and beyond, achieving goals and bringing glory to her mother and sisters.

"... rejected by my father and his parents because I am a lady, my mother and elder sisters stood by me and trained me. I am standing before you today, an accomplished and successful young lady, because of the Grace of God Almighty and the support of my family; my mother and sisters. Thank you for listening." Annie concluded as she walked down the podium amidst massive clapping and standing ovation.

"That's my baby." Her mother, Anna hugged her tightly. She left her mother's embrace and hugged her elder sisters. Her eldest sister, Priya was a world renowned medical doctor while her other sister, Joyeta, was a well sought after computer hacker for CIA.

Watching the massive conference where his wife and daughters were featured, Aly, who was already in his late sixties and was struggling to make ends meet, could not stop the tears that fell from his eyes. If he had known, he would have chosen his family; his wife and daughter. Probably, he too would have been standing with them. His parents who influenced him with their archaic mentality that a male child was more beneficial were no more. He was the one suffering from the wrong decision he took some twenty five years back...

Anna was proud of the women she trained. She was proud of the decisions she made. Her daughters are treasures to be cherished and she would cherish them forever more.

Haiza. 🖤✍️


© Haiza.