

pylon poets- British Poets of 1930s-
WH auden, Cecil day lewis, Stephen Spender , Chritopher Isherwood, john Lehman, Louis Macniece.

Spasmodic poets- British poets of Victorian era- Term coined by William Aytoun.
John marston.

Fireside poets- Household Poets from America such as William Cullen Bryant, James Russell Lowell , Henry Longfellow, etc.

Graveyard poets- Churchyard Poets are precursors of Gothic novel and Romantic movement: Thomas Gray, Robert Blair for Grave , Edward Young for Night thoughts & Thomas Parnell for Night piece on death.

Cavalier poets- Royalists of Charles 1 suchas Thomas Carew, Robert herrick for To daffodils , Sir john suckling & Richard lovelace for Lucasta.

bloomsbury Group- Modernist novelists and intellectuals: Virginia Woolf, Leonard woolf , Clive bell, EM Forster, Lytton Strachey, John Keynes.

lost generation- 1920s coined by Gertrude Stein - Hemingway, Faulkner, Fitzgerald.

Irish movement- 20th century literary movement: WB yeats, Lady Gregory & Edward Martin in 1898.

Scriblerus club- Alexander pope, John Gay, Thomas Parnell, Jonathan Swift, John Arbuthnot.
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