

Like a ship

If you don’t trust the people, giving none a chance,
you’ll drift like a ship in a stormy dance.
Moved by dark winds of doubt and despair,
believing each stranger has nothing to share.

You carry heavy chains, like iron around your soul,
crafted from shadows of memories untold.
If you cling to the past, just gazing at heights,
you’ll miss the sweet essence that fills up your nights.

You’ll be a hidden candle, in a corner of gloom,
with a flame that can brighten the darkest of rooms.
Thinking that goodness can never come your way
will steal all your joy, like night steals the day.

Let the waves softly whisper, like secrets in the breeze,
recalling sweet moments that bring you to your knees.
Allow the wind to wrap you, like a warm, tender shawl,
surrounding yourself with kindness will help you stand tall.

Cherish the gestures, like flowers in bloom,
each genuine smile, a light in the gloom.
Don’t let solitude guide you, a shadow on your path,
for joy can be fleeting, like the aftermath.

The landscapes await you, rich in color and light,
like a vibrant painting, full of hope and delight.
Don’t think that happiness waits at the end of the line,
it’s in every small moment, like stars that align.

Embrace those who cherish you, with warmth in their eyes,
leave behind the burdens of unkind goodbyes.
Breathe in the present, feel its rhythm and beat,
like a loving embrace that makes your heart leap.

Each instant is a treasure, a dawn breaking free,
like life in its beauty, inviting you to see.
You have the power to love and to receive,
never doubt you deserve the best; just believe.