

Lady S And The Unknown
The car speeds away from the scene
shots ring out in the middle of the
night. But wait Conora virus out so no
one is supposed to be outside but that
is not entirely true. A woman drives the car, and some people are running
from the store, so they shoot at the
products in the store. The woman in the car calls the police. She had a car
phone right and she drives away from
the area. But the area she drove away
from had a sign she didn't see it said
Town of the dead, don't come through
or you take the people with you.
So the town was gone but a few and the dead all flew after the car cause
life sparked a charge. So as the woman
drives down the rode she hears sounds
she does not understand what's she's hereing but she shuts off the engine.
An then she sees men and women
walking in the rode as if they where
normal. But she knows this is some
dirty magical stuff going down so she
starts the car. Then she drives and the
road clears. So on to the next town
she goes. But the only thing is that she
is not alone. As she is driving the music comes on no it never did that
before, so she stops the car and gets
out then a man face appears in the
back seat why did you stop. I wanted
you to drive me to the police station.
what she yells you are now really here.
I am here but. Don't you see when this all really happened no one Beleaved. But you. oh called the police. Yes she walks back to the car and gets in what did you die of and
why are you haunting me. Well my
name is Dorden an it was 2015. I moved into a beautiful home but my
dog's got out of the yard and ran five
miles away from the place. Once they
did that. These rider who were coming
up the rode hit the dogs and just kept
moving. My beloved pets blood was all over the rode. I woke up in the middle
of the night to see what happened and they were gone and the gate was open. So I when down the rode and saw that
And as I yell no what is this. Then a
man comes out the woods hey. Then I am angry so I yell cause I am upset about the dogs but the man in the woods did not know that and we fight he takes it personal. I got hit by on going traffic. So that's my story the in
the woods stole my wallet my house
And he has been living it up ever sense. So I need you to meet him and kill him for killing me. So I tell the ghost I think you got the wrong lady man. I am no killer. Then he disappeared, and I drive on. So I get to my area where I live an my front
door is open. Come to find out the man that I was told about. You know that man from the woods broke into
my home. So I see him and say you picked the wrong house. And we fight
And he yells I can do what I want I been doing this for years. Well your years just ran out. Then I call the police hello police I just killed an intruder come I am hurt on the porch
with the light on with my car in the
driveway. They say that they will be
right out. Then as I sit in shock I here
you are the only one who listened to me. Oh I did not kill him for you he
broke into my house. Then the ghost
says yeah right bye then disappears
an I hear the sirens in the back round
as I am on the pouch hurt covered
in blood. Only thing being a medium
is you can't tell anybody about the ghost that's why.