

California growing/ the truth
The drawn out agonizing challenge of obtaining a vehicle has got Lily worn out and tired.
Lily had a 750 IL BMW that was stolen along with her home in homeland CA. How it all started was , in lieu of saving money she put an add on Craigslist in hopes of finding a responsible roommate to split the rent and utilities with. Also she had recently had a litter of ten pitbull puppies, that put a dent in her wallet because Bella was in labor for over a day so she took her in to the vet. They showed Lily the x-ray . There was an extremely large puppy first in line to exit but wouldn't fit out the "door" . The vet tech suggested a series of shots that in about 5 or 6 hours all the puppies might come out alive. With grate disgust in her tone , Lily asked ," is there not a way to cut her open and all the babies come out alive now?" the vet tech told her , " yes but it's very expensive it will cost 1,897 dollars." Lily, " does it look like I care how much it will cost?" She reached in to her pocket and pulls out 1000 bucks. Vet tech " I'm sorry, but you will need the full deposit of $1,897 before we can start the procedure." Then, in front of everyone in the waiting room, Lily tells her, " what kind of animal lover are you? I told you I would go to my house and come back with a nother $1000 ! Do you really think I'm going to hand you a grand and leave my pregnant dog here and not come back? Is all that you care about is the money you are a monster . She then stormed out the clinic to get the rest of the money. When Lily got back, to save face, they had already completed the procedure.
Lily was thrilled to have her puppies and Bella home safe but that wasn't the end if her problems.
What the vet had failed to tell her was , do to the large incision on her belly between her boobs , the milking glands might not work right away. Lily had noticed that the pups were crying non stop. Being the living new grandma she was , she bent down put your lips around that boob and sucked . Just as she had suspected. there was no milk then she realized the look of horror on Bella's face. Bella knew she couldn't feed her babies . Lily flipped through the paperwork from the vet. in it there were directions on what to do in case that situation accured . Lily didn't have a baby bottle but she had a punching bag balloon which had a nipple on the end. Bella's look on her face turned into a relief when she saw that her puppies were being fed. Lily had a friend come stay with her a few days so the puppies could get fed while she was at work.
Lily worked at a bar/ restaurant called the Winchester inn. though she only made $6 an hour she kept that job. obviously not for the money because she felt close to her customers like they were family. they were times she wanted to quit like the time there was a $65 dine and dash. Her boss told her she had two choices. she can offer to pay for it out of her own paycheck or look for work somewhere else. that week Lily got a $39 paycheck . And New year's Eve, you see the prior New year's Eve the waitresses got a bum deal because of the meal tickets are prepaid. so most of people didn't bring any cash with them because it was all covered and they didn't get much tips. So this year, so that wouldn't happen again, an extra 17% was added on to the meal tickets for The waitresses gratuity. But just at the last moment when they were about to go out on the floor. Her boss hands are a little tray with a mint and says here maybe they'll tip you I had to use your gratuity money cuz I overspent on the food budget. Lily wasn't the only one that had to suffer the other waitress working that night was Kelly , a pregnant girl about to have a baby. though they made over $1,000 at the door charging people $10 a person to come in Kelly and Lily were never compensated there 17% gratuity. I will keep adding to it as I go to be continued.