

Her side of story (1)
You know nothing, I have wounds in that area of my life. Just because you think I didn't experience anything like it, means that I don't how does it feel. We do have different views, you can't just invalidate mine. The reason I built walls is that people whom I encountered, are all horrifying, they will make you feel you're special but when they found out your appearance is not that aesthetically pleasing, they will dump you like you're nothing. They only accept you if your appearance pleases them. I'm not just talking about men, I'm talking about people in general. My appearance became my most hated part of me, I hate looking at mirrors because whenever I do, it reminds me of the hurtful words that has been said by those people. I even dislike taking pictures, I love it when people are saying good things about me in pictures tho—pictures with filters! If you think that I am too sensitive then i have nothing to say about that, just don't talk to me.

#insecurity #pain #self
© nabi_