

The Dark Descent: Vampires vs Zombies (Part 3)
I couldn’t let this be the reason I didn’t go though and the reason they get killed so I told them I couldn’t stay no matter what they did or said. They then told me that they thought I’d say that so they packed their bags last night so we could runaway from here today.

At first I didn’t like the idea but with being convinced nobody knows they’re going there and nobody goes to that place I decided not to go and to stay with them. The reason I wasn’t going away from their persuading techniques they used but because I’ve been selfish this whole time! I was going to turn myself in because I didn’t want to face the sadness of them dying but I never thought how they’d feel about if I died.

I thought I was going to have to pack some bags but it turns out Ryder did it all for me and I still needed to buy some new clothes. It took a smaller amount of time than I expected and we finally made it into a forest area that was so much cooler than a normal forest looks like.

The sky was a dark blue and purple and the northern lights were out even though it’s only midday.

I asked what time it was but Ryder just clicked his fingers and the sky went to a bright cerulean and he said it looked to be 1:26pm and when he clicked his fingers again it went back to how it was and he said it now looked to be 19:47pm.

I’d never seen anything so magical before but Leo looked unimpressed. I asked why he was so unimpressed but he just said it’s nothing compared to what he can do. I was confused as Leo ran off into the distance so I tried to chase after him but Ryder made sure I didn’t and that Leo would come back soon.

We waited and waited and waited for him to come find but it wasn’t as if Ryder was going to allow me to go alone so I waited and waited and waited for him to fall asleep so I could sneak out after Leo. I then snapped my fingers and thought of a pen and some paper and it showed up so I left a note so Ryder wouldn’t think I turned myself in.

I spent ages looking for Leo until I found him unconscious with ropes tied around him. I ran where I came from to get back to Ryder until I was finally tied up too.
© Mads