

Future? What future?
Is the future preconceived or does it change very frequently? Answer the question by writing a story.
© Alwaysdistracted
This question definitely arises in the minds of the current age teens and even the oldies LOL!
To be really honest, it solely depends upon us...we are the ones who are responsible for our future whether it's exuberant or substandard.
If we talk about the teens in today's modern world, are as wise as an owl. They go on searching for various small tasks or jobs in order to fill their pockets...They do not depend thoroughly on their parents for pocket money and rather use their skills and ideas to earn money whether a small amount or a humongous one. I, belonging from India, have seen various poor children who starve for food and need to work on various small restaurants or stalls for a daily wage.
In the age of going to schools and completing education, these small children take up the responsibility of their families.
So, what I mean to say is the perspective and situation matter a lot...If these children were not poor, then these might have actually earned their pockets money by doing some work as typing or coding sitting in their aur conditioned bedrooms.
On the other hand, the oldies , who actually have had many experiences in their past worry a lot about their future, not only theirs but about their children's too...I mean why...can't those children be independent and think about them on their own..I know it's just caring and love but sometimes I feel it's just exaggeration.
In short, I would like to concluded that our future is in our hands...on how we work hard and fulfil our dreams.