

Void inside
Stillness. Vacantness. Void. Something is engulping from inside like a black hole, no movement like eye of cyclone. Abruptly all hopes, dreams, aspiration dropped down. Stopped to looking ahead and past both and returned to the present of no result. Day passing in stillness. Only desire lying silently is going into the stillness of nature. To leave behind the rush of city and go back to peaceful countryside. Though going is lost in void. The only memory crawls in the mind is strolling in silent lane in afternoon of sleeping village. Even that memory brings back more emotion of voidness and loneliness. No peace can be found in that memory. Phone is ringing, it's ring forcing rushness inside but could only emphasis the void around. Want to talk, but don't know what to talk. Stillness, vacantness, void can't be explained and there is noone to listen and understand it. Nothing to laugh, nothing to talk, nothing to cry, nothing to complain, and it's all people can listen. They can't listen the stillness, vacantness, the void. They listen voice, i have only silence. In my silence, i become aimless wandere. Wandering in stillness, in silence.
© @nn