

That Casino Dealer
So ridding fast to the hospital and the
sirens going stay with me. Stay with us
and my eyes close.Then they look sad
and just ride. Then we all get to the
hospital and the back of the truck opens
and she still. So they bring her in then
she on a stretcher and they put her in the
hall working on her paper work they turn back around and she gone. They people
are like where did she go. She got up
and ran to a open car and went back to
the house where the dude had her money.
He was in there getting ready to leave
town when just that minute. She looks
in the glove compartment and got the
pepper spray. And runs out the car and falls because she still sick.Then she gets back up and pushes the door open after using the fist to brake the window. Then
she sees him. So you got your bags and you leaving town and you didn't even call
the hospital to see how I was what?
Then she chases him and he like I was
going to call. And she says when after you
bought one plane ticket. Your are not right so here. Then she sprays him and takes her robbery monies and says I was about to get got by you again and your
weird friends think it's fun so you got
2 hours to leave with what I left you on that table and don't look back. So I get
out of there to and get back in the car.
drive it to a spare parts car yard. And trade
the car in for a somewhat new car. It was great why did they get rid of this car. Then I drive to Los Vegas and I changed
my name and life. I became a casino worked and. Then I was lost but then
one thing from the past showed up
it was the guy who tryed to stiffe on the
money's. And he did not see me I had
blond hair and glasses. But I was her and
he looked and I changed my accent you got the wrong lady what is your problem
who is you looking for. Then he let my jacket go and walked down the los Vegas
strip. And I did not see him again then
I moved on but on the news was a man
who got killed by people throwing him
into the glass of one of the casinos. Then
I find out it was a bad man who stole my
car and I flipped oh you not going to get
away with this. So I change my look to a redhead now and make up. And I go for
the streets of where he was the other side of Los Vegas and he was in a bar drunk
figures. So I sit next to him and drink
and talk with him then we leave and he doesn't remember me. So you may think
I killed him but no we was walking in open traffic and he got ran down but a car. He was so drunk he did not know he was in traffic. So what I did was get to the
side and leave his dead body in traffic and they called hey miss but I got away changed my clothes and changed my look
back to blonde and when back to Los Vegas and continued my life with out
all the drama the very two had given me.
But till this day I remember. My heath
could have been better. Nursing home
living is the best now for an 89 year old robber who became a card dealer on the
Los Vegas strip and never looked back.
To this day I am still the best card player
around you can try to win sit down and
let me tell you my story. I laugh and say
another one who thinks they can win but
looks can be not what they seem.

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