

Bell stood outside her mother's house, waiting for her to come to the door. She knocked again, desperately, hoping for a reply, but there was none. She checked outside of the house to see if there were any notes left for her, but to her suprise, there was nothing. Where could her mother be?
Anyway, since she had nowhere to go, she decided to go to town. It was a good time to go there anyway, since there wouldn't be too much traffic, and she did have some money to buy something there. So, she got her bike, and rode it to town. It felt nice to be independant, since she would usually have to have someone with her at all times. Her parents were strict, and even though Bell got tired of them, they thought they were doing the right thing, and that Bell didn't understand why they 'HAD' to do this. Anyway, she decided to turn off her phone ( to make sure that her parents couldn't track her location ) and go to the Roseberry Fashion shop to get a few things to wear, she was running out of clothes anyway.

" Heyy" said the shop owner, Lindsay. " Welcome back! I missed you~"

"I missed you too!" Bell replied." Do you have any new clothes?"

" Of course!" Lindsay said, smiling." We just got this new dress that I know you would LOVE! It has off the shoulder sleeves, with a heart neckline..."

Their conversation continued and Bell bought the dress she wanted, but then she heard her phone buzzing. She thought she had turned it off. Or had she?


She realised that there were 40 missed calls from her mother, and 50 text asked what she was doing in down, and explaining how she could have called. She decided to turn her phone off again.

But she couldn't.

There were..eyes on her phone?

It was her mother saying..


So she ran.

She ran and she ran and she ran, until she ended up in a place her mother could never find her.

Then she saw her shadow.

© sophia mckenzie