

The fulloon blooms it's light jealously on sight of her.
Stars give the best of their seductive twinkles and the sun can only look on in envy and dissatisfaction.
The beautiful gardens became home and the clear foundation a spring of love.
With pride is sway, Pride I feel, Pride I display and Pride I decree.
Why all that? Coz she is worth it.

Many caused it insanity while others concluded that it was black magic.
Yet all that kept my strength going through all the hurdles before me.
After the test of time, the sand beach bore witness to the ocean of love we shared.

It a sweet feeling deep inside that looks physcho on the outside.Is it love or lust?I can't really tell.Is she human or just a fairy tale.i always imagine.Wonders go yonder till it leaves nothing but just a sigh.
© Bright Brain256