

A Love No Matter What

The instructions were clear:
'Go in, retrieve the package, don't look back.'
That simple.
He did everything right till he looked back...and saw her, the love of his life.

She was chained up, dehydrated and gagged so she couldn't speak, she was helpless to herself. He remembered his instructions as he looked and focused on her for a moment. A moment he didn't have as he quickly looks away from her and notices the package is inches away from him and time is ticking. He moves and moves quickly in closer to retrieve this package and in the midst of his adventure he remembered that they had faults leading them both in this current situation but he remembered how they made a vow to one another that no matter what..they would never nor be there for one another.

Like a football quarterback with the ball and no defenses to try and knock him off course he jets to save her..He gets weak in looking at her helpless body and slips off her chains..

It wasn't a part of anyones original plan..He was not even following the rules in going to save her..This package needing to be retrieved without him being noticed.. (He thought to himself as he threw her over his shoulder like a prized belt)

The bad guys had arrived and gunshots were many and near..His Captain and Soliders covering his run..many knocked out of the way..and his colleagues saw a body but there was no time for questioning just returns of fire.

His life on the line and many others with her on his arms. He ran and dodged debris and unharmed was she in the end..

He never thought if all the trouble was worth it..

He had their package secured.

And the vow that he made to the love of his life..secured..

There for her no matter the situation