


This story is completely fictional,if you are a fan of Marvel,DC or any Anime content then I hope you will enjoy this and before coming to chapter II please read chapter 1 first!!
if you find any kind of mistakes then comment me so that I can rectify it!!




Narrator : BLUE TREE ACADEMY isn't any ordinary academy,here your missions are your classes,your partner is your family and death is a room in your house!!!

Elias : wow it's damn so big! who is that lady Pablo??
Pablo : it's Ophelia,she is also an assistant of master Yamagishi,like me!!
Elias : ohh!! where is sensei Yamgishi??
Ophelia : Mr.Elias!! master is been out for a couple days! you will meet him soon!!
Elias : but what will I do now!!
Ophelia : you must take rest for tonight,and help us in decorating the "Thale"
Elias : for what??
Ophelia : didn't you know!!
every year Blue Tree Academy
gives tribute to master Thale's
holy spirit to keep his blessings over
Elias : master Thale??, sensei Yamgishi never spoke about him!!
Ophelia : no one out of this academy wasn't allowed to know about this!! every body thinks " Thale" is the name of the mountain but the real thing is "Master Thale's" coffin is just burried in this moutain, that's why this mountain is named as "Mount Thale"!!
Elias : so who is "Master Thale"??
Pablo : The first one to find
"Aoki rhythm" technique!!
Elias : "Aoki rhythm"???
Ophelia : the technique you will learn here!! don't worry let master Yamagishi come,he will make you know everything you want to hear!! but for tonight take rest! follow me I will show you your room!!
Elias : okay miss Ophelia!! oye Pablo aren't you coming??
Pablo : nope! I have my mansion at the base,and I also have a lot to do!!
Elias : okay! see you tomorrow!!
Ophelia : this way!!!
Elias : damn this is so good!! if my sister would be here she will be happy!!.. sister!! hey miss Ophelia can I make a call??
Laevo : hello!! who is this??
Elias : who are you miss?? and why are you picking up my sister's phone??
Claire : who is it Laevo??
Laevo : your brother!
Claire : Elias!! give it to me!! hello dear!!
Elias : hii!!
Claire : how you doing?? how's your training going on??
Elias : I have completed the first level!! how's you doing??
Claire : I have applied the form for medical exam!! and the exam will happen 8 months later!!
Elias : nice!!
Ophelia : dinner,Mr.Elias!!
Elias : talk to you later sis!! tomorrow I have lots of work to do!! see you soon!!
Claire : take care!!
Elias : wow miss Ophelia the food is tasty, it's more tastier than Pablo!!
Ophelia : Arigato!!
Elias : (saw a dream about his father) father!!! father!!!! faaathhhheeerrrrrr!!!
(just waked up in a shock)

Narrator : Elias saw Pablo is there holding the breakfast!! and next to him is a boy with suit with simple blonde straight hair, who is over the chair in a swagy way!! that boy is non other than Sorren (the mafia boy)Elias remembered that day of explosion on the tournament , Sorren was just bathing with blood,any person came to him wasn't left alive ,as a mafia leader he is highly trained from his childhood even he is able to dogde bullets,he is so strong that he was able to take down all the fighters in the ring all by himself except that Azak guy because he is a pro "Aoki rhythm" user!! As a normal human he have resistance to extreme level of torture and that guy definitely is a threat!! Elias got scared seeing Sorren next to him!!

Sorren : Hiiiiiiiiiii!!!!
Elias : (with shock)how can a mafia leader be so formal!!
Sorren : am not mafia anymore!! I quit and now am just as ordinary as you!! and I have forgotten something!!
Elias :(with confusion) Forgotten??
Sorren : Thank you!! for saving "Seren" that day!!
Elias : Seren?????
Sorren : so you didn't know!! I was testing you!!I thought you are one of her lover!! you are safe now!!(with a smiley face)we can be friends!!
Elias : (with exclamation,shock,fear) (shaked hand with Sorren)
Sorren : get ready friend!! we have a lot of work to do!! (with a smiley face)and I will introduce you to other students!
Elias : (each time this guy smiles ,I got bad vibes)
Sorren : anyway,I didn't know your name??
Elias : ahhhh....Elias!!
Sorren : Alas!!! okay!!
Elias : it's Elias!!!
Sorren : I said the same Alas!!
Elias : no no.... it's E.L.I.A.S
Sorren : do you think I can't spell your name?? do you think me a dumb?????
Elias : (with fear) no...no...no....
Sorren : (with smiley face) just messing up with you!!(with smiley face) just kidding!!! it's Elias!! gotchaa!! am waiting outside!!
Elias : (whenever this guy smiles I get bad vibes)
Pablo : do you know Sorren before??
Elias : not particularly!! but just have seen him first time in a tournament!! I get bad vibes about him!!
Pablo : hoo hoo hoo.... don't get wrong,that guy so kind to all, even he is an off season guy!!
Elias : off season guy???
Pablo : if master Yamagishi find anybody have potential,then he himself bring them to "Thale" , independent of the entrance happens in Feb!!...like. you son!!!
Elias : how many off season guys are here??
Pablo : just two more!!
Elias : those guys who have completed the base training in just 15days ??
Pablo : yep!!
Elias : who are they??
Pablo : don't worry you will meet them out,all of them are busy in decorating the Thale!!
Elias : (with excitement) okay!!
Elias : (after breakfast,take his step outside of his room,and saw Sorren with smile)
Sorren : let's go!!

Narrator : both walked away out of mansion together, Pablo and Ophelia were looking those kids walking together and they sensed a neverending path of friendship just begins today!!

Elias : (with confusion,asked Sorren) Sir how many students are there in our class??
Sorren : one more!!
Elias : who??
Sorren : it's me!! and you stop calling me sir,we are friends,call me by my name!!
Elias : (sensing kindness from Sorren) okay !! so in what class are we??
Sorren : we are in "Grade A"!!
Elias : hoooo...so we are in good grades!! yohoooo
Sorren : we are in lowest grade !!!
Elias : lowest !! but in school A grade means the best!
Sorren : didn't you know Blue tree academy isn't any ordinary school!! here we have 6 grades!! Grade(A , Boltz , Epsilon , Sigma , and Pro and Ultra Pro )..we are in "A", two students are in "Boltz" a single one is in " Epsilon" three are in " Sigma" and none of the students have reached pro yet!!
Elias : master Yamagishi must be a pro!!
Sorren : wrong!! he is "Ultra Pro"!!
Elias : how many Ultra pro's are there ??
Sorren : don't know!!..but if you become a pro then you will get a chance to meet them!!
Elias : that's why master is so powerful!!
Sorren : ohh! look !! this is our senior "RIONA",she is extremely cute,and do you know she have a "deadly staff"
Elias : (saw a beautiful lady with red hair having a pony tail and green eyes, decorating the lights)
Sorren : hii Riona!!
Riona : yo Sorren!! who is this brat!!
Sorren : ohh!! he is an off season!!
Riona : off season!!
Elias : I'm Elias!!
Riona : yo Elias!!
Sorren : (to Elias)do you know she belongs to "Quinn"!! it was heard that the females of Quinn's are stronger than the males but she is an exception,her brother is much stronger than her, that's why her clan abandoned her!!
Riona : oye Sorren stop talking!!
Sorren : (to Elias)do you know, it was heard that the her clan uses " Aoki rhythm Green" from their childhood but she was an exception that's why her clan abandoned her!!
Riona : stop talking you Idiot!!
Sorren : do you know when she was born she had four hands and have thorns over her head!!
Elias : (imagined Sorren's words)
Riona : (threw a stone towards right at the back of Sorren)
Sorren : (dogded it and begins to run)
Riona : (while following Sorren, shouted) stop there you idiot!! how many times I told you to shut your mouth up!!

Narrator : Elias find himself enjoying by watching the chase between Riona and Sorren!! suddenly he just remembered about his childhood, how he and his sister were chasing after each other,and when the main door opens, a man entred,both of them make a race towards that person by shouting with joy " faaaaattthhhhheeeerrrrr"

Sorren : what are you thinking??
Elias : ( with big mouth) where did you came!!
Sorren : only she wasn't the exception,her was too!! from ancient times " Quinn" clan have. females stronger than the males but now his brother the strongest one in her entire clan!! this makes both the siblings an exception!! due ancient beliefs the situation just changed and she have to leave her clan!! as her brother is the strongest one so no one even say a word against him,and the pride of males in "Quinn's" have risen!! His brother was extremely carring about her, that's why he never asked her sister to become strong but it's Riona's will that she will return to her clan stronger than her brother, so she is training so hard and managed to reach "Boltz"
Elias : so, it's more about Riona's will rather than abandoned by her clan!!
Sorren : you can say so!!
Elias : have you seen her brother!
Sorren : Nah!! ,I just heard that he was ranked 2 in SEF!!hey look that big guy !! he is " KALE" !!
Elias : rank 2!! (then he just remembered about Dextro and Laevo) that means he is many times stronger than the twins
Sorren : are you listening me or not!!
Elias : ahhh...yep!!
Sorren : (with eyebrows closer to eye looking towards Elias and pointed somewhere) look that man with a heavy rock!
Elias : (with big mouth) whatttttttt???

Narrator : Elias saw a man lifting a piece of rock of size of 4 wheeler car, which weighted about 900kg

Sorren : don't overreact!! this is normal here!! at his full strength he can lift more than twice the weight of that rock!! He is at grade Epsilon!!,he have a hammer with chains and don't ever came between the target and his hammer, if you do only thing will remain is your Ash!!
Elias : why would I come between his targets?? and how a hammer can just turn me into Ash??
Sorren : because he uses "Aoki rhythm red"!!!!
Elias : okay!! but what are those red,green....is it a rainbow??
Sorren : don't you know about the "Aoki rhythm techniques"??
Elias : (by spreading his arms) nope!!
Sorren : ahhhhhh.... follow me!
Elias : where??
Sorren : to library!!
Elias : why??
Sorren : to get answers of that question!!
Elias : (saw a handsome guy, with black eyes , carrying two bucket having shredded body) who is that??
Sorren : ohh!! that!! he is the Narrator!! don't look at him !! he is not an important person!!
Narrator : Oooyee Sorren!! show me some respect!! I can kill you anytime in this story!!
Sorren : go ahead!!
Narrator : ( with tearful eyes) I can't do that,my fellow readers are liking him so much!!
Sorren : (while taking Elias to library) basically he have blood of Vikings!!
Elias : you mean the narrator!!
Sorren : no!! he just a waste!! I'm taking about Kale!!
Elias : ohh! I thought the Vikings are extinct!!
Sorren : they are!! he isn't a pure Viking
Elias : then??
Sorren : he originally a hybrid, initially a group of people called " Easton"were used by royal families as slaves,but once a Viking fell in love with one of his servant, which wasn't acceptable!!but you know love doesn't have any standards!! to respect the heart of that Easton lady that Viking lord left his clan and begins to live with the Easton!! this wasn't acceptable to other Vikings so the new King tried to hunt the older one! but he never get success and the old one killed the new one !! after that the "Easton's" were left alone!! one day the love tree of Viking lord and Easton lady gave a fruit!! after that they were known as "Eastking" ...so his real name is "Kale Eastking"
Elias : so he have the power of both!!
Sorren : nope!! there son haven't the power of Viking!! several generations passed, and he is the only one ever in the history of "Eastking" to be a true hybrid!! his tribe has a lots of hope on him!!

Sorren : this is our library!!
Elias : wow!!..a lot of books!!
Sorren : choose the book which you find the special!!
Elias : how can I do so!! there are a lot of books!!
Sorren : (blind folded Elias) now find the book that you find special!
Elias : are you mad!! didn't you understand what I say!! now you just have closed my eyes!!
Sorren : things become special when you begins to feel there presence!! don't worry focus on your instincts!!!
Elias : (breathe slowly,his body released an aura)
Sorren : (watching Elias's aura ) beautiful!

( dramatic music just played)
Narrator : Elias just begin to move his body with a flow and touched each and every book in the library and suddenly stopped!!!!

Sorren : (smiled)
Elias : (taking out the cloth from his eye sight, and produced) "The Origin"!!
Elias : ( take that book near to Sorren) I choose this!!
Sorren : you are not the only one!!
Elias : mean???
Sorren : all 8 of us choosen the same book!!
Elias : what is this book all about!!
Sorren : it's about the Origin of the "Aoki rhythm technique"
Elias : have you read it???
Sorren : yep!!... don't worry you keep it reading...I gonna help others in work!! see yaa!!

Narrator : "The Origin"

From the ancient times
there were 5 major clans "Quinn" ,"Hasimotto","Fujii" , " Viking" and the "Shoji" . As each of them wasn't aware that there was any other human in this world so each of them begins to claim the world as their property,so they begin to increase their territory.
Quinn is clan which is known for it's female superiority. Here the people's have green eyes,these were basically the hunters,and mercy is word which they respect the most!
Hasimotto is a royal clan or you can the wealthiest among the all, because they have discovered a valley of gold. They are known for their "Loyalty" towards for the King! The people of this clan are punctual and maintain discipline throughout their life!
Fujii clan best known as the "assassinations" their appearance makes them special,these people are famous for their white hair and purple eyes! They don't believe in difference in male and female which makes their clan powerful even they train their children like hell from their birth, they are even resistance to venom.
Vikings are well known for their raw strength and wildness! They worship mountains as their God.
They lived in the mountains of snow,due heavy snow there is always a scarcity of food so they have to move up and down to the mountain every day,they also take their goods to the mountain by their own body strength this gives them their overwhelming raw strength. Now a days they are believed to be extinct .
Shoji's are otherwise called as
"surface yeti" this clan possess enormous amount of power and strength they always maintain unity among themselves even if it's good or bad phases of their lives. Initially they were as simple as human and they are the only clan who never tried to increase their territory until they discovered "Aoki" and "Akaki".
Aoki otherwise called as Blue tree while Akaki called as Red tree. No one knows where did those tree came from but these were only found in a single mountain named "Kazi" currently named as "Thale"! These trees are known for their bioluminescence and in nights the red and blue glow of these trees makes Kazi mountain beautiful as heaven! The Shoji are the first to discover Kazi ! They began to worship that mountain,they belive that "Gods " are living in this mountain! After several years once all the trees gave fruit of blue and red colour! The Shoji thought these are the gifts of their worship and each member of those clan just ate the fruit! and suddenly they feel some changes in their body, it's their life energy surrounding their body,they feel themselves a 100 times stronger than previous, they thought this power is the gift by the "God" and they thought that "God" wants them to rule the world that's why he gave them his power! But the entire thing is just due to those fruit. These provides an enormous power but it also brings the " Lust of Power" into reality but still their beliefs in unity makes their members to stay together!! This makes the Shoji clan a true beast, after that the Shoji guarded the Kazi so that no one else will be able to get that power but even if they doesn't guard it still except the Shoji no other clan will be able to handle that power! The Shoji are capable because of their instincts to survive in extreme conditions they have survived the worst stages of nature because they were the first clan on Earth!
At the mean time the other clans were about to increase their territory, while increasing their perimeter there were wars between them(Quinn, Hasimotto,Fuji,and Vikings) but some unidentified hunts makes them to stop their battle and begins to work together,and they called themselves as the"Valhallas" . Once they found a "surface yeti" was sleeping next to a tree, they felt the pressure in atmosphere around it, this makes them confirm that these creatures are the reason of those hunts,they followed that yeti and found "Kazi" they saw those trees and get mesmerized in the beauty of the mountain ,they also wanted to visit the mountain so when they just stepped in the yeti's just wiped out one of troops then after they felt that even all clans attack together still they will loss the battle against them, that's why they send spy to keep eye on them but things just gone wrong,the yeti's found those spy and hunt them down, as the times pass "Lust of power" is heading towards its peak, this makes the yeti's to increase their territory!! The Quinn clan decided that the world is not a tiny land so they and establish themselves in any part of the world so the Quinn's just backed out because they didn't want to face any casualties, but the leader of Fojii and Hasimotto clan decided to take the risk, they wanted to know the secret of their power, because they knows that nobody can achieve this power even it train like hell!! Both of them are highly skilled so they just kept a keen eye over them,they found one of the yeti's kid is born,then after a few people took that newborn baby near to the tree and plucked the fruit and feed that baby and suddenly his life energy begins to surround his body,so they knew that the fruit of that tree is the secret of their power, they planned to get atleast one fruit, Ansel (leader of Hasimotto)just distracted a few of the yeti's that gives Thale(leader of Fujii) a perfect chance to pick one of the fruit and ran away ,the Yeti's noticed that so they just tighten the security!Now it's time to test the power,so Thale wanted to give it a try but Ansel said we don't know what are the risks but all of sudden the king of Viking asked that he will take the risk so he took a bite and felt the energy around him but in next second he just get collapsed, that turned the Vikings against those two clans and the Civil war among the "Valhalla" begins, at the mean time the Yeti's are continuously increasing their premises!
Thale and Ansel convinced those Vikings to give them just one last try and if they fail then the Vikings will rule over them because at that time the Vikings are the most powerful among the Valhalla! This time it's now or never,so they took some additional members with them to distract so that both of them can enter into the forest,but this time they didn't run after the fruit ,they thought that their body wasn't capable of handling this much amount of power so they tried to carry tree leafs, sticks but all of sudden Thale noticed the pattern in the trunk of those trees,the Blue tree and the Red tree have different pattern but all blue trees have same pattern same goes for red trees! They thought that the fruit in tree is due to those patterns they called it "rhythm" so they just draw the rhythm in a paper and just escaped themselves from that hell !!Then they tried to understand those patterns and found that,those rhythms are nothing but the process of working of nature,then they begin to move with the flow of that rhythm and Thale founded "Aoki rhythm technique" while Ansel founded "Akaki rhythm technique", then they just taught those things to all the others, but none of them became capable of learning the original rhythm technique,they just discovered the branches of it!! And finally they got stronger and the war begins! as per the plan they have to stop the yeti's now! so the war is declared with greater number,power,and skill the Valhallas win the war ! but it was a rumer that both the "son" of Yeti king was escaped from that battle,there is no valid proof but nobody have seen them dead! Thale and Ansel planned to observe those trees more and make themselves capable to eat the fruit,but as the king of Viking was dead, so that the Vikings just burned the entire Kazi without the knowledge of both, when Ansel and Thale reached there only two trees left one red and one blue when Thale ran into it the Vikings protested but Ansel let Thale go and himself resist those Vikings when Thale reached close to the Red tree which was going to burn first, but if he save the Red tree then at the mean time the blue one will get burn, but don't know why Thale just left the Red tree and dashed to save the Blue tree! that makes Ansel turn against Thale but due to friendship he just left Valhalla and the Vikings also get separated and after Thale's death,the people burried his coffin next to that single"Blue tree"!!
"Aoki rhythm technique" it is of three types i) creator (can create elemental power from their body by changing the texture of their aura!
ii) manipulator(can manipulate the elemental power through their weapons)
iii) modifier(can use the ability of any animal in this world and also can change their body shape)

this is all about the Origin!!

Elias : ahhhh!! finally completed!!(stepped out of library)
Sorren : (with a bucket of water) hey you completed! you took so long!!
Elias : long!! how many day I have been there!!
Sorren : it's been 3 days!!
Elias : ohhhhh! so we have left only 4 days for the event!!
Sorren : don't worry, "Gin" and "Okkoe" are here!!!, and "Babel" and "Gurren" will be here any moment!!
Elias : Gin?? Okkoe??? Babel?? and Gurren??
Sorren : don't worry you will meet them soon!!

by P.S.Bidhan Kumar

Narrator : hah...haa..ha...I think my dear readers are liking it!!...haa..haaa..haa... I'm the best... I'm the best.....part two is coming soon!!