

The rose garden -chapt 2
I caught a glimpse of a silhouette running away.It looked very familiar, so I ran out my front porch to see who that was. Yes! it's her, my Roza.
Her long flowy hair dancing as she ran further away from me, bare foot on this trail that we have traveled endlessly beneath the Sakura 🌸 blossoms. Even from behind she looked so magestic, I felt a sharp pain , a hatred and a sadness.
I drift back to our high school days, the infatuation that turned to love - fir better or worse it was the best , a lethal love of magnanimous passion.We moved like magnets.I was completely and irrevocably in love with her.The best I ever had.
I am Rohit, a programmer and I am a survivor. It's been 5 years since I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, and in that unpredictable turn of events my life changed completely.I lost everything.
I lost her.

© Chandreyee K.