

A Victorian Haunting

Chapter 1 – UnPack

“OK, April, you and Rachael, go to your room and pick out what bed you want, and no Fighting, please unpack. Jason, your room is right across the hall from their room; unpack, and when you get commended, mom and I will order a pizza.” Greg Withers said to his daughters April and Rachael Withers, April is 13 and Racheal is 10. Also, he has a son Jason Withers who was 16.
“Ok, but please, dad, No pineapples on the pizza; that’s just inhumane,” Jason said.
“Don’t worry, no pineapple, just pepperoni and cheese,” Greg said.
“Good,” Jason said as he and his sisters went up to their new rooms to unpack.
Michelle Withers was their mother.
Today was the family’s first Day in their new home. The house was an enormous old Victorian house; they were all enthusiastic about moving into this house, but there was a reason they got the home at a very fair price. The house had a gruesome past that the realtor failed to tell the family about. The family would soon Find out that they were in for much more than they bargained for.

Chapter 2 – Breakfast

The Withers family had just spent the night in their new Victorian home. Greg and Michelle, we’re in the kitchen cooking breakfast up.
“Hey mom, hey dad,” April said as she yawned on her way to the kitchen table.
“Oh hey sweetie, breakfast is almost made,” Michelle said.
“Oh, and here comes our other daughter; good morning, ladies,” Greg said.
“Jason, come get breakfast,” Greg shouted
“I’m coming.” Jason was in the bathroom washing his hands.
Jason walked out of the bathroom that was upstairs. As Jason was walking down the hallway, he heard an old woman voice coming from one of the spare bedrooms
“I need help, I need my medicine, please help me.” The women voice was moaning like she was in pain. Jason had no idea who it could be but went in to check it out. He walked in the room and there was a little old women in the rocker that was left in the home.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know anybody was up here. Did you need help, ma'am? Jason asked her kindly
“The women had her head down.
“I need my medicine.” The old women moaned
“Sure, where can I find your medicine.” Jason asked.
“Right behind you.” The old women answered with her head down and little back hunched.
Jason turned around and looked on the dresser.
“Umm, I don’t see anything are you sure….Jason cut off when he turned around to notice the older woman was gone.
“Hello, lady?” Jason said.
“Jason, breakfast!” Greg yelled upstairs.
“I’m coming!!” Jason yelled back as he shrugged it off and went downstairs to eat breakfast.
They were all sitting at the table eating breakfast now.
“Did you guys sleep well in your new bedrooms?” Michelle asked them
“We did.” April answered for her and her sister.
“What’s the deal with the women in that spare bedroom? She was there; then, she was gone.” Jason said.
“Women, what are you talking about?” Michelle and Greg asked Jason.
“There was an old woman in there; I’m serious. She was Crying about her medicine,” Jason said.
“Honey, there are no women up there,” Michelle said, confused.
“Umm, I was still half asleep, maybe I just, I don’t know,” Jason said.
“Yeah, you were probably dreaming; eat up, guys. It’s going to be a beautiful summer break,” Greg said.

Chapter 3 – Crying

“April, help me, please, it hurts bad; Rachael called for April in their bedroom bathroom.
“Rachael, what happened!?” April asked as she barged into the bathroom quickly.
Rachael wasn’t in the bathroom, and April was very confused.
“April, I need to brush my teeth. Are you done in the bathroom?” Rachael came from downstairs.
“You weren’t just in the bathroom crying??” April asked Rachael.
“No, why would I be crying?” Rachael asked
“I umm, I don’t know. I just thought I heard you is all; I’m sorry, go ahead and brush your teeth,” April said.
April was feeling spooked out now, her eyes began to wander, looking around the vast old Victorian home, and it made little goosebumps pop up all over her arms, she now thought the beautiful home of there’s was beginning to look a little spooky to her.
“Oh my gosh, April you were just hearing things stop acting scared.” April said to herself on her walk back to there room. Their parents room was downstairs.
April got into her bed and Rachael came in shortly after.
“Why didn’t you help me April, I cut my finger I was crying for you, I cleaned it by myself and put a bandage on it.” Rachael let out.
“What are you talking about? I saw you; you went in the bathroom to brush your teeth.” April let out.
“I brushed my teeth after dinner.” Rachael said.
“Ok go lay in your bed I’m going to get some sleep.” April said.
“BOOOO!!” Jason jumped in their door to scare April and Rachael.
“Ahhhh!!! April and Rachael both jumped.
“Good night dweebs,” Jason said, then put his headphones on and went for his room.

Chapter 4 – Strange call

It was Friday evening, and Greg was at work, and the kids were upstairs in their rooms. Michelle was getting in the shower that was in the bathroom that was in her room. Michelle’s phone rang out just after she reached in the shower and turned her water on.
“Hi sweetheart, I was getting in the shower. Are you going to be home soon?” Michelle asked, expecting a call to be her husband at this time.
“I need my medicine, please.” An older woman’s voice cried softly on the other end, asking for her treatment
“I’m sorry, , I think you have the wrong number; do you need some help ma'am,” Michelle asked in worry for the old woman that sounded so sad. It stayed silent for a while.
“Grandma doesn’t feel good, but mommy won’t make her feel better; she takes her medicine away; Uh oh, mommies coming, she’s going to be very mad.” A little girl’s voice said on the other end; then the phone hung up.
“What the hell was that?” Michelle asked Herself, spooked out by the call.
Michelle shook it off then got back to what she was accomplishing.
Michelle went into her bathroom and let her robe fall to the floor; she still had her panties on, so she slid them down and stepped into the shower nicely. Michelle was feeling uneasy from the call she had just received, and she felt like she needed to call the authorities or something but also figured they probably couldn’t do anything about a phone call. She finished up in the shower, then went into her room and turned her television on. She sat on her big, comfortable bed and started putting lotion on her feet and legs when her phone rang out.
“Umm, hello!?” Michelle answered.
“Umm hello? That’s how you answer the phone?” her husband Greg answered on the other end.
“Oh babe, I’m sorry, it’s been a long day, and I just got this creepy phone call.” Michelle said.
“Are you going to be home soon, sweetie?” Michelle asked.
“Yes babe I’m off now, do you need me to pick anything up on my way home?” Greg asked.
“No just hurry home babe, I love you.” Michelle said.
“Yeah, I love you to babe, I’ll be home in just a few my hone,.” Greg said and then hung up the phone

Chapter 5 – Attic

Michelle was heading up to the attic where Greg was stacking boxes of stuff. She walked slowly up the giant staircase when she heard something coming from the bedroom up the stairs. She paused her movement to listen because it didn’t sound like her kids.
“Mommy will be mad if we give grandma her medicine; she said, grandma don’t need it because she’s very bad.” Child’s voice from upstairs said.
“Pleeeeease, I need my medication.” An older women voice from up the staircase cried out for her treatment
Michelle ran up the stairs and went straight to the room the voices were coming from, and the space was empty. Michelle was confused and checked the other four rooms in the upstairs hallway and found they were all empty.
“Oh hey, babe you, startled me.” Greg said as he ran into her coming out of a room.
“Oh, I was just heading up to see how the Stacking was coming, did you hear an old women’s voice just a few minutes ago?” Michelle asked Greg
“No, I heard nothing.” Greg said with a vague look on his face.
“Really? It sounded like it was coming from back there.” Michelle turned around to point, And when she turned back, Greg was gone like he just vanished in a matter of seconds in time.
“What the hell was in this coffee this morning?” Michelle said.
Michelle decided to turn around and go back downstairs to her room and lay down for a while.
Michelle got to the bottom of the stairs, and Greg walked in the door with two boxes.
“Oh hey babe, I finished in the attic, so I was cleaning the garage up, and I came across two boxes that your not going to believe I found. Babe, are you ok? You looked like you saw a ghost or something sweetie.” Greg said.
“Yeah I think I’m not feeling to well I was going to lay down for a bit.” Michelle said.
“Ok sweetheart I will be in to check on you in a little while do you need me to bring you anything?” Greg asked.
“No, thank you sweetheart I just need a little nap, is all,” Michelle said, then went to her room.

Chapter 6 – can’t sleep

Jason was in his room playing his electric guitar with headphones on.
“Jason, don’t let them in they are bad people.” A voice through Jason’s headphones said.
The voice was a young boy or maybe girls voice Jason wasn’t sure but he quickly took his headphones off.
It was about midnight but Jason, wasn’t tired yet, so he picked up his sketchbook and started drawing.
“Jason sweetie, you’re awake?” Jason’s mom’s voice came from the other side of Jason’s door that was slightly opened.
“Yeah, mom, what are you doing up here, Jason asked as he walked to the door to open it and noticed his mother wasn’t there.
“Man, I need some sleep.” Jason said to himself, then turned his light off and went to his bed to lay down.
When Jason got to his bed, something under his bed reached out and grabbed him by his ankle, with a Wet cold hand then just let go.
Jason was terrified, so he went under his blanket and tried not to breathe too noisy.
“Where is my ring, I need my ring, where is MY RING!?” A women voice in Jason’s room yelled out for some ring then it got quite again, it finally stayed quiet until Jason fell asleep.

Chapter 7 – Maggot filth

Greg was alone for the day and had some work to do up in the attic. Greg was becoming strangely attached to the attic lately; he has been spending a lot of time up there leaving Michelle in wonder because it just seem strange to her because Greg wasn’t the type of person to get attached to anything, he usually ran away from anything he feels any attachment to, somehow Michelle got him to stick around for her.
Greg was up in the big attic on the far side cutting wood that he was replacing.
“Make it beautiful here.” A grown women voice said very clearly, Greg thought right behind h.
Greg turned around fast being startled by the women.
“Who’s there?” Greg asked but seen nobody.
“Brrrr.” Greg rubbed his arms because he got cold real fast, and he started even seeing his breath.
Greg turned around almost stepped in a pile of some dark slimy stuff that had maggots swarming all around in it. The puddle wasn’t there when he came out, and it smelled so awful. Greg began choking than he got out of the attic as quickly as he could.
Greg was cooking his wife and kids dinner tonight, so he had to hop in his vehicle and head to the grocery store only five or six blocks away.

Chapter 8 – Keys

It was around 1 am, and the Withers family was sleeping. Greg was hard asleep when somebody whispered in his ear.
“Help me before they come back.” The voice said.
Greg woke from a deep sleep, but nobody was there. The room was very dark; Greg figured the whisper was just in his dream.
They had a piano in one of the rooms downstairs, and Greg heard keys playing, so he sat up in his bed in their darkroom.
“What is it babe,” Michelle asked.
“I heard the piano play downstairs; I could have sworn anyways,” Greg said with his ears open.
The piano started to play Again, it sounded like Mary had a little lamb.
Michelle heard it this time And sat up quickly.
“Greg!!” Michelle screeched.
“Shhh, you stay right here. I’ll see what’s going on; the silent alarm would have triggered and notified the police if somebody broke in.” Greg said.
“Be careful,” Michelle Said as Greg walked through their darkroom to the door.
Greg crept down the giant stairway, and when he got close to the door, Mary had a little lamb began to play and Made Greg jump. The piano stopped playing right when Greg turns the corner into the cabin that the piano was in. He flipped the lights on, and Greg couldn’t even understand what his eyes were looking at. The piano that weighed at least 400 pounds was upside down with the legs up.
“What the hell is this!?” Greg asked himself.

Chapter 9 – Needing answers

The following day after Greg had found the 400 pound piano upside down and seconds before it Was playing a melody, the family started talking about all the strange things transpiring.
“Maybe we should call a priest and see if maybe He can do a purification or cleansing of some sort,” Michelle said to Greg; April and Rachael went to their Grandmothers, Carol Withers, to stay until they got things sorted out. Jason decided he would stay with his parents; he was intrigued by it and wanted to watch the priest, Michelle, and Greg. We’re against letting him stay, but they decided they would all sleep in the living room together.
The only priest they could find to help them was Jim Malian, and it would take a week before he could get to them.
“Do you think there are like, demons in this house!?” Jason asked.
“We don’t know what it is yet, Jason, but We will have to be careful just in case,” Greg said.
“Yes, we will all sleep together in our living room area, and we will all stay on the downstairs floor; hopefully, when Priest Malian comes, we can find some answers as to how safe we are and if he can do anything if there are some evil forces in this old Victorian home,” Michelle said.
“Later, I’ll get online and see if we can’t find anything on the history of this house., Greg added.

Chapter 10 – Leave

Greg was trying to do some research on the old Victorian house, but he couldn’t find anything online.
“I don’t understand, an old Victorian home and there is nothing at all about it on the web; it’s as if it never even existed,” Greg said to Michelle and Jason.
Greg, Michelle, and Jason we’re, all in the big living room area sitting.
“I'll order a pizza; Big Sal's sound good?” Greg asked.
“Hell yeah, Big Sal's pizza is the bomb,” Jason said.
“The bomb, really, son!? And watch your language Mr.” Michelle said.
They all got quiet when they heard a loud bang upstairs followed by footsteps of at least 3 or 4 people running.
“what the hell!?” Greg said.
“Everybody stay here.” Greg declared openly.
Greg started heading upstairs when the lights went out in the living room area.
There Television set came on, and it was just a white screen, a white light until the shadow of a face appeared and through the loud entertainment speakers a women’s voice screamed out.
After that the television went off.
“Jason are you okay!?” Michelle asked Her son Jason who’s head was bent down.
“You can’t leave now, you never will.” Jason said in a voice that wasn’t his own.
The lights came back on and Jason had snapped back into reality then fell to his knee's
Greg looked upstairs, and there was nobody or any sign of anything that could have made the massive bang.
Greg checked on Michelle and Jason to make sure they were all ok. Since they were and it was really late
They went ahead and all fell asleep after they all laid together on a big blankets that they made up on the floor; the priest would be there in just a few days.
Tomorrow they would go and see the girls at there grandmothers and stay for dinner.

Chapter 11 – Chicken Noodle soup

Greg, Michelle and Jason we’re at Greg's mothers home now the kids grandmothers house where April and Rachael we’re staying.
Carol was cooking homemade chicken noodle soup and homemade bread to go along with it.
“Food is just about achieved everybody.” Carol Withers said.
“Alright mom, it smells very good.” Greg said with one hand on his mothers shoulder ,and he gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, and rub.
“Yeah, I’m starving., Rachael said.
“Well, that’s good young lady, because I know you love your grandmother’s homemade chicken noodle soup with homemade bread, right?” Carol asked enthusiastically.
“Mmmm!!” Rachael said as she licked her lips and rubbed her belly.
Greg and Michelle never told Carol what went on exactly; they said to her that it be best the girls stayed there while the three got work done in the house for a week. Of course, Carol said yes, she loved her grandchildren and they all loved her as well.
April walked up to her grandmother while she stirred the soup a little and hugged her tightly.
“I love you, Nana!” April said with a smile as She looked up at her grandmother.
“Oh dear, I love you to the moon and back a million times, baby.” Nana Withers said with a big smile.
“Ok, food is done, guys, come and get it,” Carol said.
Their mom and dad told April and Rachael not to say anything about ghosts or anything if she asks; they were fixing things around the house.
When they got finished up with dinner and saying good night to the Greg, Michelle, and Jason went back to the house; they decided they would all stay in Greg and Michelle's room the last night, and they set a camera up in the room.

Chapter 12 – Priest Milian

The following day, Greg, Michelle, and Jason woke up extra early because the priest would be there in the morning to early afternoon hours.
“Ok, Priest Malian will be pulling up any minute now,” Greg said to Michelle and Jason after just receiving a call from the Priest on the block getting ready to pull up.
‘Ding, Dong'
The doorbell rang.
“Priest Malian, Good morning. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Greg shook the Priest’s hand.
“Good morning, good morning,” The Priest said in a deeper voice.
The Priest was a Big guy; I mean a huge man, close to 7 feet tall, probably 590 pounds, the most resounding voice you could even imagine until you have heard him yourself.
“Good day!” The Priest said in a soft but deep baritone.
The priest was large but kind of scary to the eye; his face was big and round, he had tough-looking skin and a massive scar down his right eye that started above his right Eyebrow and ended right at the corner of his mouth.
The Priest walked past them and started splashing little drops of holy water in the rooms.

Chapter 13 – Closet
“The upstairs, this way!?” Priest Milian asked Michelle in all seriousness.
“uh, yes, that way,” Michelle replied.
“I need you guys to stay down here,” the big priest said to them in his soft but deep baritone voice.
“Of course,” Greg said to the big priest Milian.
The priest walked up the enormous stairwell slowly; drop of holy water here, drops there.
The priest got up the staircase and up to t,he second floor of the gigantic Victorian home. Priest Milian could sense the evil in the house; he is a born high-tailed feel very well.
The priest was feeling drawn to a room, almost heading right for it as like a force was pulling him to the big master bedroom that was to the right from the top of the staircase and down the hall on the left, three rooms down.
“I don’t like this energy, its trying to overtake me, it’s pure evil is what it is.” The Priest said to himself.
The priest went into the room ignoring his thoughts he had the small glass of holy water in his hand, when he entered the room it went flying out of his hand and smashed across the wall.
The bedroom lights went out and all you could see was the light on in the big closet that had its doors opened.
The priest heard in a loud deep ,demonic sounding voice yell
The priest right as hearing that was pushed into the gigantic closet and the doors slammed shut.
The Priest said to himself in a panic as he tried to
© WesleyMcvay