

The Story Behind My Scar
"Mummy do you have a tribal mark?" My four year old son, Jake asked me making me laugh as I have been asked that question so many times that I lost count. I was on the couch while he was on his tall chair looking so intently at my face.
"No baby. It's a scar. I got it while playing rough. This is why I tell you to play gently" I told him.
"Ohh I'll not play rough again mummy " He said tiptoeing to kiss the scar on my cheek and I smiled in satisfaction. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.
"That's my cute baby. Now go play with Cecilia in the playhouse" I told him. He smiled in reply and skipped out the door. He liked her. He might not have realized it though. What was I saying? He's four for goodness sake so he obviously doesn't know yet.
The memory of my scar brought a smile to my face.That day my parents threatened to disown me, not like I would blame them , because I refused to follow through with the course they chose for me, Law. I had secretly changed my course to mass communication and had been studying it for three years without their knowledge. But, they came to surprise me at school and even got gifts for my lecturers. I was shocked to my bone when I figured out what they had done.
"Baby" She had said once I picked up her call that sunny afternoon.
"Hello mom. How are you?"
"I'm good. How are you? Where are you?" She asked and I had rolled my eyes because of how protective they were.
"Mom I'm fine. I just finished a lecture. I'm about to head out of my faculty's building" I told her trying to search for my two friends, Lisa and Katherine with my eyes.
"That's nice dearie. Come out then. Your dad and I are waiting for you just outside the building" She said and I laughed thinking she was joking. She couldn't possibly be there but as her silence persisted, I knews she was not kidding.
I ran straight to the Law building, contemplating on what to tell them. When I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes. My mom and dad leaned against their white limo they packed in front of the building. There was a pick up van with my face on it. There were balloons and lots of gift bags. They succeeded in embarrassing me as people began to stare at me weirdly. What alarmed me was that they were talking to the Dean of the faculty. I knew I was busted from the frowns on their faces. I walked towards them slowly hoping I could get them somewhere private before they caused a scene.
"Hi mom. Hi dad" I greeted weakly.
"Oh dear. Nice of you to finally join us. This man has said many ridiculous things. He says you're not and have never been a part of his faculty. Is he new or something?" Mom asked nervously. She must have sighted my guilty eyes and sad countenance because her eyes widened.
"It's true. Isn't it? So would you like to tell me what course my husband has been paying for over the past three years?" she was livid.
I stared everywhere but at them, unable to meet her eyes or dad's. "Mass communication "
You know what my mom did next? She spanked my ass in public. She told her bodyguard to hold me while she spanked me. I couldn't be more ashamed as a small crowd formed around us. After she finished, they let me go. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I kept staring hard at the ground not wanting people to see me crying.
"I can't believe this. You lied to us for three years" My dad said smacking me across the face surprising me as my dad has never hit me. Unfortunately his wedding right tore my skin as gave me a mark. He looked taken aback and guilty for his actions. Mom flinched and immediately took me into the car and cleaned it with alcohol. When we got home, they apologized and I forgave them. They deserved to be angry. After all, I did deceive them. I just didn't expect it to leave a scar but it did. I had been insecure about it for a while but my husband told me it shows just how naughty and strong I was. Now, I love it. Mostly because the memory is hilarious.
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