

Selfish Love: chapter 4.5
"Maruqez and i have been best friends when we were still kids..but i dont know what happened to her as she gets older...she's abusing me" Ruru paused for a moment so they thought she was done "abused?! Like how?! What you mean?!" Yuna asked. "Well..if i dont do what she tells me to do, she will hit me, beat me up, or even let her do those..pervert things to me" Yuna was so shock she shouted "HOW DARE SHEEEE?! And why you allowed her?!", Ruru starts tearing up as she says "im sorry...i couldn't stop her because without her, i would be out there struggling with life...i allowed her because..i also didnt want to see her sad...sometimes my brain freezes...thats the one the reason she would hit me...and also..im scared of being hit by her..if i fight back, it would go all wrong...she once fight with me hard and i couldn't move for few days", Yuna got so mad "you could've just called the police right away!! You could've stopped her!! You're...such a coward.." yuna said as she tries not to cry, "lets be normal..this week, but after a week...we will help you get strong...it doesn't matter if i....if i...make you cry" Ruru was shock. "But Yuna..."

Zury felt awkward and decided to sit outside with Rynhee. "Having some serious situation here huh?" Said Rynhee, "well...yeah and i felt awkward, im not really a part of anything" Zury said as she takes a packet of cigarettes, but Rynhee stops her as she says "stop...can you at least not smoke every minute? Your health!" Then all of a sudden they heard Yuna shouting..
"It doesn't matter! It doesn't mean she has the rights to do anything to you!"

"But Yuna...seriously without her-" Yuna cuts ruru off "IT DOESN'T MATTER! PROMISE ME YOU'D NEVER ALLOW HER TO DO ANYTHING TO YOU"...Ruru remained silent, looking down on the floor but Yuna keeps yelling to her face "promise me that!! Promise me you'd be brave too!" Ruru still remains silent...so Yuna yelled as loud as she could close to Ruru's face, then from that time Ruru suddenly looked straight into Yuna's eyes and yelled back madly "I CAN'T PROMISE BUT I WILL TRY MY BEST" then she bursts crying after she realises what she have done, Yuna was still frowning...then she slowly smiles, but still raises her voice while she talk to Ruru.

"see?! You just shouted at me! ME!! Who you said you'd never shout to! Never get mad to! After all the years we've been apart, you gave me this!" Yuna then smiles and quickly hugs Ruru "if thats what you could do to me...then you could do that to Maruqez...or even more than what you just did to me.."
"Im...im sorry Yuna...im sorry" Ruru said while crying and hugging her tightly. "Dont be sorry...you did nothing wrong"...meanwhile Ryhnee and Zury saw what happened and they were just speechless...Yuna accidentally saw the coffee and disappointingly says "aww ..the coffee...wasted.. we forgot to drink it"