

A Glamorous Union
She'll never forget the first time she met him. It was the most aesthetic night ever. The lights of the hotel banquet lit the garden with a golden aura amidst the pleasant rain.
The crescent moon shone the sky. All guests hussled to the lobby. She helped them with their belongings. But then she came back to the garden and viewed the overwhelming scene around. The most simple innocent smile brightened her face as she started dancing in the rain. He was standing few steps away , leaning on the pillar that held the shed over him.
She spun slowly, with her long ghagra flaring around her. He kept staring at her blooming into the essence of love and happiness she felt. A friend of hers had played her favourite music on the speakers. She spun, dancing herself out to the tune with the most serene expressions.
He couldn't take it anymore, His feet failed his control as they took him to her. Unaware he is behind she spun again and fell into his arms. His left hand circled around her waist and her right hand held on to his left arm for support. It felt like it was their most natural thing to do. With a light grip on her left wrist, he locked eyes with her.
Eye to eye they spoke from within. No words were uttered, yet all their feelings poured into their smiles.
The amazing note change in the music entertained the love filled stillness between them.
But then she hesitated. Holding back her tears and blushing cheeks with all her might, she smiled and nodded at him. She tried to leave his grip hoping he would stop her.
He jerked at her wrist and both spun into each others' arms again. Both surprised, curious and smiling to the miracles of fate. Two heart which seemed to be bonded for years, have finally stood closest to each other; still hesitant to recognise their other soulful half.
But he was ready this time. With the most confident yet shy, muffled in love,expression he said
" This time, I won't let go."

That was the beginning of their love story.....

© Sanjiti