

It's my cup
If I am holding a cup of coffee and I spill it, whether I do it or someone bumps into me or shakes my arm, it goes everywhere...
Now, why did I spill the coffee?
Was it because someone bumped into me?
Of course not.
I spilt the coffee because, it was in my cup...
If it was water or tea in my cup, it would have been water or tea I spilt out. Whatever's inside the cup will be what spills out.
So in general when life shakes you, whatever is inside you will come out... It's easy to overlook if your not paying attention.
But, when someone or something shakes you...
What comes out of you?
The quotation from the 23rd psalms
"my cup runneth over"I personally feel when God fills that cup and allows it to run over he gives us a decision to make.
I now realize what's in the cup is not only the fruits of my labor but, the fruits of the spirit.
Its as if .... being blessed and blessing... "spilling or spilling onto someone"
are one in the same.
Our life is provided with a
"from God cup."
It's our choice to choose how to fill it as to what spills out.
Is it animosity, hatred, pridefulness, unkind actions, or words and deeds?
Or is it the Fruit of the Spirit, Gentleness, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Long-suffering, Love, and Faith that makes our cup overflow even before it's spilt. Remember we all have a cup.
He Measures it wisely so use it wisely.
Be grateful knowing what he's filled it with ....
and what will be poured out.
If we trust in God, he will always fill it or empty it, with exactly what we
do or dont need.
© Mark Gollihue