

cursed part 6
The man got closer to me and I took a closer look at him. As I thought he is my grandfather. "Grandpa?" I asked. My grandfather looked away and took a deep breath and looked at me. "I'm sorry you have the wrong person. I'm not your grandfather sorry." My grandfather said looked at me nervously. I sat down on the bed pilled of leaves. I know that man was my grandfather. I don't know how to tell you how I know, I just know. Grandfather was checking if I was back to health. He said that in 5 weeks I could walk again if I practiced. After a few hours he left and we went to sleep. The next morning passed and Mathew left to get some fruit to eat. I stayed with Jackie like she was to tired to move. Mathew came back with a lot of fruits. We ate breakfast and I practiced walking for hours and hours. I kept getting better little by little but the most difficult part about walking was the way Mathew was holding me. His hands where all over my sensitive parts. I could barely walk because of the way he was holding me. I tried not to think about it but every step I took the closer he got. After practice I was so nervous that I fainted. I woke up so late that everyone was alseep. The 5 weeks passed quickly and I could walk. The next day passed and we ate breakfast we also got some food for the travel. Like I could walk again we where leaving. We don't know where we would go but where ever we go is going to be are home. When we find are home we will forever be happy. Or that's what I think. When Jackie woke up we went to see the my grandfather to thank him. When we got there no one was home but we waited. Out of nowhere a few men came and kicked me until I passed out. Mathew and Jackie where also kicked and punched. They tied us up and kept us there. I heard them talking but I couldn't hear them. I was passed out on the ground. I couldn't move. I felt so weak. I couldn't do anything. I tried to yell but they kicked me right away when they heard me.

© Sammy Ayala