

4 years of lie


Hey I am Shruti and I am fifteen ofcourse a stupid teenager with stupid hormones that create nonsense in my life every now and then.
Well getting ready for my new day in a new coaching classes. And calling my friend Mansi who is always busy with her new boy friend well lucky me she picked up after 2-3 times of me calling her continuously she finally picked up. Okay so all set to go to the coaching classes.
Here in Bhopal every place is so busy that it’s a rare moment when we get a clear road to reach to our destination and guess what we are late for our very first class on our very first day of the coaching.
Today was the longest day I ever had because this is the first time I am attending a class in coaching because prior to that I only knew 2 places to study in one is my school and the other one is my tution where an old aunty use to teach us all different subjects and we all were of different classes.
But here in coaching it was different here we all are of different schools but same classes. As I am from girls school it is a completely different for me here as here girls and boys both are here under the same roof in same class.
First in the coaching was fun we got to know about all our teachers who gonna teach us different subjects and also we got introduced many of the new students those who would be our classmates for the rest of the year.
Well this day went well at first I thought this day would never end but then it started up to get interesting and I finally started to enjoy my day with all my classmates.
Well the day is over as we were ready to leave the teacher came to announce that the next day will be our meeting with the seniors.

We were getting ready for the other day of the coaching. I and Mansi were very excited as we were about to meet our seniors so this time we were ready on time so that today we reach there on time so that we are not the laughing stock of the class.
Well we reach the class at the time and now it was the que for us to get divided according to the subjects we opt for like some of them chose science some of the chose maths and some chose both the subjects it was now the time that she goes in the science section and I go in the maths section.
There we met all our seniors and that’s when I first time saw him. A good figured boy not a body builder type but fit enough to get the girls laid for him. His name was Rishi. After that we went to our own classes and I was not able to get his voice out of my head.
And with this that day went off and before I would know I was in my room ready to sleep.

The next morning I was ready to go to my school.
The day went well at the school and then as I was returning from the school I picked my cycle and was waiting for my friends outside the school. I saw something that kept me in shock and guess what it was him yeah the senior Rishi.
At first I tried to ignore him and started to cross my path across him.
I heard a voice yes it was him he called out for me and I turned around he came to me and introduced me to his girlfriend yes his girlfriend. I was shocked after knowing this but I controlled myself anyhow and I got to know that she is my senior too.
And he comes almost daily outside my school to meet her. Getting this information was like I tasted some ridiculous thing and now neither I can spit it nor I can swallow.

But still as it was lot to process I directly went home and just like this several days passed and we are more like friends so there are no more issues with him and his girlfriend after some days I noticed that priyal was going somewhere with some guy so I decided to follow them and see what is fishy here. I followed them I noticed her making out with that guy in his car and as she came out of the car I ran away so that she doesn’t see me.
Well when I came back to the home I decided to tell everything to rishi but it was important to have a proof so I decided to have a talk to him and let him know the truth himself.
So I told him to tell her that he would not come to the school that day. As soon as the last period got over I called him and told to meet me in the bank opposite to the school and then we waited there as soon as she sat in the car we started to follow her and now he was watching exact same thing that I saw the other day.
After that day he never talked to me straight.

After that day its been a month we did not talked about anything. One day I went to the shop nearby my house.
And I saw him sitting there with a ciggeret box in his hand and his face was so bad like he have not been sleeping from days. So I decided to ignore him and came back home.
That night he texted me a bunch of masseges and told me about how miserable his last month was and how he was feeling sorry that he locked me out of his life.
I was so shocked. All I was able to reply was its ok.
And after that we started talking over msgs and calls and even started to sneak smile in the coaching everything was great and even I started to have feelings for him again and this time it seemed like mutual between us and like this soon 2 weeks passed and he proposed me.
As I was already excited so I said yes in a first go. Then we dated for almost a year and half.
Then it was the time so we decided to tell our parents about us and we did. And guess what they were happy for us.
Everything seemed so perfect to be true but yes it was for real.

Its been a year since we have told our parents and e3ven I have completed my school and taken admission in a commerce college and he also took admission in a college as he was senior he took a break of 1 year so that we can start our college together.
See so perfect he is.
Then we decided to have a talk with our parents and start to live in together.
It took a while but finally they were ready and gave us a green signal.
And so we found a suitable apartment and decided to shift there as soon as possible as we were very excited. We shifted there and everything started to go well. We use to cook for ourselves and turn by turn do the cleaning stuff also everything was perfect late night binge watching and everything.
Sometimes we would have friends over and had a blast party.
He was so caring that he even remembered my periods dates and always bought me my favourite ice-creame and chocolates before even I said he was too perfect which some times made me feel insecure that he might leave me or something like that.
And just like this 1 more year slipped away.

That day I was sitting on the sofa as ussual back from the college and then suddenly my phone rang I looked at it ohh it was my mom.
I was not having a good feeling about that call I just don’t know why but I was really not having a good feeling about that call. But still I gathered myself and picked her call and she said NANA IS NO MORE !!!!!!!!!! i was like the world around me went dark. The darkness surrounded me I don’t know for how long next I remember was I am in my bed and my whole family is standing there. As I regained my consciousness and was awake properly I realised that whatever I got to hear few moments ago was the truth. Then I started to sob like a kid. Who was afraid of getting lost in a big place.
It was decided by me and my mom that we will go to Jaipur and we will stay for a month or so.
We left the next morning itself.
We went there it took me time to get my emotions and feelings controllable.
But after doing so it was a bit easy to cover my tears and fear and somehow I manage to stay there for 4 days. Then my mom told me that I should go home as my brother and father are alone there and they might need me in household chores.
So I said I was okay with that and came back to Bhopal.

When I returned I thought of giving him a surprise so I just randomly asked his friends about where he would be right now and even talked to them just about random stuff.
Now all the necessary information I needed I was having it so after doing all my work I went to our apartment thinking of giving him a great surprise.
I mean he would be happy right seeing me here in front of him and even when he was missing me so much and so badly.
I think its gonna be best surprise for him.

As soon as I reached at the apartment I opened the front door I heard someone giggling in my room one voice I recognised was of rishi and other was of some girl.
Wait a minute a girl !!!!!!!!
Are you serious a girl I was not able to believe on my ears. I quietly went towards the room and opened the door what I saw next was completely out of this world.
Ohh my god they both are naked !!!!!!
I went inside the room and saw he was cheating on me not with any random girl but his own cousine I mean how can someone do that I sat down in the room in a shock and cried for hours.
No I can not handle this , this not real maybe its just a bad dream and then a hand grabbed my arm and snapped me out of my thoughts. It was him yes rishi then I realised its not a dream it’s the reality.
I don’t remember anything after that what I remembered was I was running towards my house tears covering the view of my eyes I jus ran and ran and ran.

So yes he was a filthy cheater……………….

Now after that day its been a month I haven’t talked to anyone.
The stage in which I am is said depression
No socialising
No friends
Basically no human interaction
Yes that’s my life now so my friend mansi thought of this amazing idea of taking me out for a good change.
But but but ! its my life nothing can be a good change here so guess what I met priyal there in the café by accident.
And she forced me to talk about rishi.
I at first thought it was a bad idea but after listening to what she had to tell me it was not a bad idea anymore.
She told me that she knew about the affaire of rishi with his cousine.
Wait ! what !
She knew about it !!!
She further continued by saying that this whole thing is going on from last 6 years.
The first thing came into my mind was-
The relationship I had with him was

After knowing this I went to his house and there family everything about them with the proof of pictures and videos that priyal gave me.
Now I just have to wait for the next day.
And yes it happened according to our plan because he came there where we wanted him to.
When he came he started hitting punches on my face yes yes yes it was all we needed we already had a camera setup there.
As he was throwing punches he was confessing each and everything he has done wrong with us and how he cheated me and priyal.

Well this was the point when I gathered some courage and hit him hard with a rod on his head and called the police and handed over the proof to him.
And yes finally rishi was send to the jail.
That’s the point where I realised that those were some 4 YEARS OF LIE everything that he did to me said to me was a complete lie……………..

© Vartika Modi