

A talkative turn into an introvert
Growing up I was always labelled as a talkative child by my teachers, family members and my friends. I had the ability to befriend anyone and my friends made sure I knew that I’m extremely talkative. When I entered my teenage years, certain things happened in my personal life that greatly affected and altered my personality. I was, for the first time, having difficulty in talking to people and when I would try to people would say: “Yar tum bolti bohat hou”, throughout my college and university life. This took such a toll on me that now I cannot initiate conversations, I’ve become socially awkward and I cannot sustain friendships due to my inability to communicate with people. The people that I did open up to ended up shunning me for other people and that has rendered me useless to even let new people in my life. I, now have people who try and talk to me and start conversations but these past memories still hinder my ability to reply to them. A big fuck you to everyone that tells talkative people to stop talking because for most of us it’s a distraction. And an even bigger fuck you for those who’ve led me to the point where I just cannot keep friends around me and would rather spend all my time alone then let people get through the walls around me.

I beg you all please let them talk,
Talkative people are the most innocent and sensitive.., they easily get hurt and they do live in a fairytale world where they believe everyone is as kind as them but we all know the truth.

Please just don't hurt anyone by your words you never know how it gonna effect them.
© UK53