

floating at the edge
I stared at the letters tattooed into my right forearm. I had no memory how I had got it or why I was in a hospital gown or why I was floating at the edge of a muddy, river bank. I had absolutely no memory of who I was…sometimes back I was feeling sick I was unable to feel comfortable during all day I told my father that I am not feeling well he told me we will go to doctor for check up he took me there doctor informed me you are suffering from diabetes I am suffering from diabetes which is genral weakness I am feeling absolutely fine I am enjoying life just because I have an opportunity in my hand so that opportunity is giving me strength to overcome from the weakness which I have otherwise never experimented in diabetes I have been asked to use human insulin from Lily company which I refrigerator it works till half months for that medicine my father pays I am a bachelors in computer graduate from Pune University I am from jodhpur rajasthan I went to Pune for higher studies over there I did not study and just in enjoyment phase I was in a relationship when I went over there I discovered relationship studies lots of adventure I went to goa on my bullet bike which I don't have right now I am living with my father he is a retired teacher he is taking care of me he is nice person for me because taking care means a lot so he is a lot for me thank you God for feeding me giving me medicine it means everything
everything you show I understand and don't apply sorry for that understanding
I will improve in applying positive things