

Platform to Platform
A red shirt boy matched with a creamy white trouser, tightly worn brown belt keeping it formal, yet informal.

The teenager was sorted next to a "chaat muri" vendor on the platform as hustling as a bee hive but he was still as Queen bee.

But looking attentively one can catch his engrossed glance.

The teenager is a student of a medical college one can identify by his dangling identity card which says "Medical college and Hospital".

His name was Girish Prasad, lived in the outskirts of Kolkata, daily he had to travel 40km to and fro. The tiredness was clear on his dry cheek and forehead with lines.

At that moment probably recalling his day at his prestigious institution. In this process his dry , cracked young lips wedged apart revealing his teeth with yellow tint and tired eyes get spark back in them.
The dry cheek gets pulled apart forming a sweet little depression like oasis in the desert.

He had a weird habit of this recalling the sitting here and chewing the "chaat muri".

Analysing the day by replaying it in convulated , smooth , narrow lanes of his grey matter. There it travels with lightning speed to produce moving images and sound infront of his mind eye which scrutinizes every moment by rewinding to modify the results or the incidents which took place the very day.

It's his habit nothing fancy. He does this just to observe what it could probably change, and more importantly he does this to try to get the clues that one leaves behind in the process of presenting their statements during a conversation.

By this one can probably guess the state of the mind the narrator is in, the mood, their logical ability, their way presenting , happiness, sorrow, loneliness etc etc..

Girish was engrossed deeply in the process of recreating images of the day; the tiredness has started to fade away..
Suddenly the phone rings "Tring"
The screen reads "Mira commented on your photo".

All his efforts are now got focused into the social media platform.
The journey of platform to a platform ( virtual) is with just a "Tring"!

The train arrives ..... but the platform journey remains......... [To be continued]....
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~Sk. NR