

Mystified Love of August (ch#6)
It's been a week since I didn't go to university. I enjoyed my days roaming around in the streets, and spend a few days with Aria. She had a great time with her future in law, she also had dates with Eric but she canceled some of them for me and I stopped her from canceling her dates more so instead she took me to her date's so I won't be alone and stress myself out and I became the third wheel in between them, I was feeling sad for ruining their dates but they both didn't mind me hanging out with them instead they bought me a lot of food we even went to the amusement park today and enjoyed a lot and I even met Zain and then we eat dinner together. He was continuously looking at me and but he didn't talk much and I also become silent in front of him I don't know why but every time I look into his eyes I felt like I would drown in those deep ocean eyes. He offered me a ride after dinner so Aria let him take me and she run away so I can't refuse him it was a little awkward but not that much and now I'm in his car I don't know what to say and what to do I'm just sitting quietly.

"Thanks for giving me a ride, Zain," I speak finally.

"Always welcome for you, Alessia. How's your university going? I'ma thinking about taking admission to your university after My international Maths competition."

He said with a little smile on his face. His smile is so cute and light that it made my heart race. Did he say my university? Did he really Say my university? I can't believe he wanted to take admission in my university.

"Really? For which subject? What are you going to study? Bs. Mathematics? Well, you are pretty good in maths or something else." I asked

"Ummm! I'm thinking about CS."

"Computer science" I interrupt.

"Oh no! no!"

He laughs a little.

"let me complete my sentence Alessia it's Cyber security actually. You know I'm into IT and coding I like to do hacking well you may not know about my hacking skills because I never tell anyone before. But I'm actually a good hacker." He replied.

Oh, I'm such a loser how can I interrupt while he was talking he might be thinking that I literally have no manners. Ahh?! I'm feeling so embarrassed and sad.

"That's a great choice! You really are the topper of the class I can see through you. You are almost perfect in everything." I said in a shocked and calm voice he laugh a little and I did too. I felt really

I was scared of Eric and I am still afraid of him but I have heard from some of my fellows that he isn't coming from that day maybe I hurt his ego or maybe he didn't want to face me too. Today is the day when he will have our class together, I don't know what he would do. I never get that much afraid of going somewhere because of someone else. let's get ready to go.

I reach the university I am terrified to go to the class. still went to the class and sit in the middle line seat of the class because I don't like to sit in front of the line. Thanks to God Eric isn't here. The professor arrived and he didn't show up till yet now I'm starting to feel relaxed.


Someone knocks on the class door. Oh no!!! it's him, it's Eric. Why??

he looked around and then look at me. I tried to ignore him and he came and sit beside me. I looked at him with fear and anger.

"I didn't want to sit beside you but there was no other place to sit. every seat is occupied. I'm sorry If I'm making you uncomfortable."

He said in a very soft and calm voice. I was looking at his face but didn't reply and thought, is that him?? is he saying sorry to me? But what that sorry can do now he ruined my first week of university.

We took the whole class silently without disturbing each other. Class ended. everyone went out of the classroom and he wasn't standing and because of him I couldn't able to step out too as he was sitting in the outer seat and can't go out until he stand up first. So I waited for him but he didn't stand until the whole class was empty and here the only ones left were me and Eric. I started to feel scared but I don't want to let my guard down so I pretended to be brave and confident.

"Aren't you standing up?"

"Ohh sorry I.... actually i......" He was hesitant I don't know why.

"Oh come on, please! stand up I wanted to go out." I said in a little loud voice.

He finally stood up. But...

Instead of making a way for me, he is walking towards me. I don't know what to do there Is no one except Us. He gets close to me.

"I didn't forget that slap. Be ready I will take my revenge. It's nice to see you in good spirit, Darling!"

He whispers in my ears and my body lets a little shiver out of me. He moves towards the exit door of the classroom and when he reached the door he turned back and look at me again with his dark furious eyes.

"By By Darling! Will meet ya soon."

OMG, he is so terrifying what the hell is he why am I getting afraid of him? He can't hurt me and why would he, I didn't slap him randomly he tried to drag me, he literally tried to drag me toward his car what was I supposed to do at that moment? Well forget it I know how to fight with these kinds of idiots he is more flirty than a bully. It's disgusting to see him. I don't know why all of the girls are head over heels crazy for him.

After he get out of the classroom I left the room too and went directly to the canteen to eat something as I was hungry and didn't had breakfast and it was a long day with him after all.

When I open the canteen gate there he was sitting in front of me our eyes met each other. He was staring at me I thought I might would still be able to eat there but now I think I can't he is with his friend who seems like same as idiots as him. I do want to have another fight with hiI I am already tired so I left the canteen and went directly towards home.

I was in my street busy in my thoughts I wanted to write an email about my day to an admirer of mine who didn't evetellld me his name so i don't even know how to call him i was walking as i heard someone calling me the name...

"Alessia! Alessia! Listen up!" I turn back and there i saw zain coming towards my direction. He was smoothly running towards me it's like I'm a heroin of the movie and there come my hero chasing me. I was completely lost in my thoughts and he came and stand in front of me.

"Alessia?are you in there? Or is it just your body without soul?"

"Huh? What did you jussayid?"

"Nothing important forget it!"

"Oh ok. So why were you chasing me i mean calling me? Do you want me? I mean do you want to know me or wanted to date me I mean oh sorry! I'm so clumsy and dumb" I hesitantly said all those words I don't know why I lose my mind Infront of him.

He pulls out a little laugh.

"No you are not dumb or clumsy you are funny and that's a good thing about you. You are amazing, to be honest."

Zain replied with a smile. I can't believe it. Did he just compliment me? Am I blushing I can't be blushing right now In front of him it would be embarrassing?

"Do you have time? I know you must be tired after spending the whole day on campus but I won't take much of your time but if you are tired or not free you can tell me we can meet later." He says with a little hesitancy

"Always free for you," I whisper to myself

"Did you just say something? I didn't hear it " he said

"No I was just telling you that I'm free after all I only had one class today so I'm not that tired and I'm a little hungry too so let's eat something," I replied even though I am very tired after all these dramas happened with me today but I can't say no to zain he is the only crush I ever had in my life even though I never wanted a relationship but you don't made crush to be with them because they are mostly out of your reach. But I can't deny the fact that zain literally is a very good and kind guy who respects others and doesn't like clingy girls that's why I never tried to talk to him much so whenever he needs my help I can't say no. Not now not ever.

"So! What do you wanna eat? Little miss Alessia." He asks

Is it a question to ask? Offcourse I wanna eat you. Am I being a little cringe well yes it was just a joke but am I crazy why am I telling jokes to myself I think I'm mentally sick I might need a little therapy.

"Anything will work I just want something to eat." I'm so hungry I wanna eat a lot of stuff but can't tell him but I didn't even have breakfast and because of that asshole I didn't able to eat something from the canteen. And I can't eat much Infront of zain. Forget it let's just eat to be alive I will eat later at my home.

We walk to the nearby restaurant and I didn't know what to order so I asked him to order for me and he ordered Penne Arrabbiata With Chicken. Ahh! it's one of my favorite pasta I'm glad it's an Italian restaurant.

"Do you like spicy foods too?" I asked

"Nah. I don't" He replied

"Then why did you order that? it's too spicy."

"Because you love spicy. Don't you?"

"Yeah, I do but aren't you eating?"

"I'm fine! It's for you. I'm not hungry."

"Then why did you agree to eat?"

"Because you seem very hungry and tired so I wanted you to relax before eating your mind."

"Are you sure you just wanna eat my mind?"

What the fu*k is wrong with me why I'm being so flirty with him it's not like you Alessia. Be decent.

"What? what else i can eat?"

"I mean you will eat my precious time too. Aren't you?"

"But it's fine I'm ready to let you eat my mind and time"

"Hahaha! You are so cute Alessia. I wonder how are you still single" he laughs he literally laughs it's hard for him to laugh like that. It's the second time today that he laugh I never saw him smiling much I always used to wonder why he doesn't smile but now I know because he looks so handsome that anyone can die for him. Or over him :|

Why the heck do you think I'm still single? Of course, it's because of you, or I would have already been in a relationship with someone.

Well, it's a lie too :)

Even if I didn't have a crush on you I won't be able to date anyone. It's hard for a girl like me to date anyone :(

"Single by Choice you can say."

"Yeah off course girls like you can only be single by Choice"

Only if it's true but the truth is I didn't get proposed by a right person till yet.

"Haha! Yeah right" I laugh awkwardly

Our pasta arrived. Oh let me correct myself. My pasta arrived. I can't believe I will be eating it all alone it looks so delicious but still, it's a little awkward to eat Infront of your crush. I hope I won't die with embarrassment.

I ended my pasta like completely and it was so spicy that my eyes filled with tears. He laugh at me but then gave me water and tissues to wipe my eyes. It almost feels like a dream to me but I hope it's not.

"Let's go somewhere quiet I wanna discuss something with you," he said.

"Ohh yeah I almost forgot I wasn't come with you just to eat my favorite pasta" I replied with a little smile.

"It's fine! I saw how much hungry you were."

"That's true. Where do you wanna go?"

"Let's leave it"


"You seem tired, I think you should go and rest."

"Well yes I'm tired but you can discuss anything with me I'm still alive to help you."

"Yeah I Know but you go home now, I will call you on weekend."

"Ok! Bye."


I walk towards my apartment. I am so tired that it feels like I might die from exhaustion. The day went shit I just wanna sleep now. I hope I won't see Eric's face at least before our next class.

I think i should let my frustration out by writing an email about my day to ...... To whom?? I don't even know his name but I don't know why it seems so comforting to tell him about everything I have been going through.


Dear whoever you are,

First of all please tell me your name I don't know what to call and if you don't wanna tell me your name just let me know any nickname or should I choose a nickname for you??

I think I should choose a nickname for you. Let's see what will suit you. Hmm...

So, you are like sunshine to me. You are my comforter. You are such an amazing person even if I didn't meet you but I can still tell that you are. You are like a blooming flower in my devastated garden. You are like a bright spirit for my darkest hours. A hope for a better tomorrow, a soul for my today's smile. Your words are soft yet beautiful and all the beautiful words you write are like a droplet of rain in my desert. You are like an angel to me who guide me to lead the way and to be brave. So what if I call you........

"My Guardian Angel"

I think this name will suit you much. I'm very thankful to have you as my Angel. I don't know what if you wouldn't have been there what would I have done. You are the reason for me to be this brave I guess.

I wanted to tell you a lot of things but I think for now it's enough because I'm very tired to write more. Hope you will have such a great life that you never imagined.

Take care of your soul as well. You are the most beautiful and rarest soul I have ever met.


Your thankful Alessia.


Now i can rest in peace. I mean not like dying offcourse. I'm talking about sleep.

Let me have my sweet sleep.
© Soul🥀