

Rap Of What It Is Y'all
The worry is always in the back of my mind. But I lock it away like I do
myself to keep me safe from all this
And that drama most say. But sometimes I cry when my situation
changes from stable to alert alert
So I try to keep it all in check if I
could I could rule my destiny
And scream this is going to be done.
But that's not my case some days great
an some days bad but. I manage if it's
To off the cuff to the hospital I go
but it's a great day when I wake up
And don't have to go to the emergency. And with this others be
like we hate her until she is marryed
but if I am I'll how can I ever have
a normal life. So I think the others
have lost there minds when it comes
To making an ill patient act as if they
well when my issues make me retired
others want to make me well in there
minds that's how they saw me but this
is not true now so I take one day at a
moment. And thank my blessings
that holy God keeps giving me days
Oh that is a wonder all its own. So
miracle s can happen if you take care
of your business. even if your meds are not good and for years you been saying change and doctor's. don't listen to you because most people had
success on these things but in my opinion we all are different. And the
drugs did not used to smell now they
do smell right but they want me to take it. Would you if something bad smelling does that mean it's right for
a body oh some things do not make
sense and some treatments I will never
under stand just 🙏 an pray holy God keep me because others don't see it as a problem but I do and it's hard to
get from underneath it. So I try to exercise and keep from death. An in the face of all that they yell she not sick throw her out on the street. But
like I always say y'all don't know my pain or my life story to give me this
street diagnoses. With no information
To back it up with what you think
you know. Man An Woman now that's
craziness and I 🙏 oh I pray away that
mindset everyday to stay alive an
well. An to others change your mind
set about me and let me be. I am not that bad in your hood. Or ever was
they know but the truth does it ever
come to light.
© mes