

the killer within
a group of people let's say roughly 2 families (10 people total) aged anywhere from 16-48 all inherited a huge mansion on a deserted island but nobody knows who gave it to them. They all move there and things are fine for the first few months and shit starts happening. Stuff moves from room to room, it's being used and no one's touched it, the cabinets are all opened and the lights are all on. One day the lights completely stop working throughout the entire mansion EXCEPT for one room, (the basement). The door was locked from the inside and the light was on, flickering but still on nonetheless. They ignored it, and the very next day everything was fine.. until death threats were written on the walls with what appeared to be blood and nobody knew where molly was (molly is one of the families pets, a dog). They thought it was a sick joke until they seen molly dead, decapitated, and gutted on the kitchen counter. As all the families began to scream the lights to the place went out simultaneously and as they came back on one of them had a knife in their throat gurgling, choking on their own blood.

It's actually a serial killer who never got caught for any of the murders he'd committed over the course of 15 years, and actually was the reason they got the place (he killed the owner and had secretly been stalking both families and forced the owner to write a will with them in it before he murdered him).

© oakley