

Curios Who to Love?
In the realm of heart's mysteries, where love's whispers swirl,
A tale unfolds, of a curious Boy.

In her quest for love, he faced a choice,
Between a friend's guise and an unknown voice.

One stood close, a friend so near,
But hidden love, beneath veneer.

The other, a dream in thoughts so bright,
A mystery in the veil of night.

With a pondering heart and searching mind,
He sought the truth she hoped to find.

Should he love the one so near and known,
Or the distant dream, whose seeds were sown?

In his soul's quiet space, he found the key,
To unlock the truth, and set love free.

"Not in the mask of friendship's guise,
Nor in the depths where secrets rise.

But within myself, the answer lies,
To love with heart, and not just eyes."

He learned that love, in its truest form,
Yet not confined to norms or storms.

It blossoms free, in moments pure,
With honesty, it will endure.

So he chose the path that led within,
To self-love, where new life begins.

With courage strong and spirit bright,
he embraced love's guiding light.

For in the quest for love so true,
The first to love is always you.

Now he walks with grace and might,
Inspiring others with his light.

In his heart, the answer was found,
Self-love and truth, are forever bound.
© Dean_2062