

My lovely childhood
In the embrace of my lovely childhood , day stretched long and carefree , painted in hues innocence and wonder . I remember the warmth of summer afternoon spents chasing butterflies in the meadow near our house , their delicate wings fluttering against the backdrop of azure skies.

Every morning began with the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting from our kitchen , where my grandmother worked her magic . Her laughter echoed through our home , a symphony that filled my heart with joy . Together we would gather in the garden, tending to rows of sunflowers that stood tall and proud , their faces following the sun's path across the sky .

Winter brought a different magic , blanketing our neighborhood in a soft quilt of snow. The air would hum with excitement as we bundled up in scarves and mittens, building snowman with carrot noses and twig arms. Evenings are spent sipping hot cocoa by the crackling fireplace , listening to tales spun by my father , whose voice carried the warmth of hearth and home .

But amidst the laughter and play , there were lessons learned in the quiet moments. I remember the comfort of the bedtime stories wishpered by my mother, teaching me kindness and empathy through journeys of fictional heroes.I recall the gentle guidance of my grandfather , who showed me the patience and wisdom found in tending to his prized garden .

My lovely childhood was a tapestry waven with love and laughter, with moments they shaped the person I would become .
Though time has carried me far from those sunlit days , the memories remain vibrant as the sunflowers in my grandmother's garden _a remainder of the simple joy and enduring beauty of childhood cherished.

© Ayhdnas