

Bullet to Bullet/Part 2
#Jack house
[Jack get out of bed at halfpast 6, then he take a shower, make and eat breakfast,then he wash the dish and talk to Balto]
(Jack) Balto, you're really good dog, you can unlock the door and keep the house safe.
(Jack) Balto, can you take the file for me, it cover say ''Latest file FBI''.
[Balto bark and leave the room to take the document, and now he return with the document.]
(Jack) Good boy, Balto.
[Jack check the content for a while then he go to suit up and ready to go to work]
(Jack) Balto, take care of the house and be good boy.
[Then Jack leave his house get into the car then drove off to the headquater.]
#FBI Headquater
[Jack enter the office, and found everyone in their place.]
(Jack) Hey, you guys are fast today. I didn't expect you're here!
(Tom) Well my car has been fixed, so i've come here early.
(Mike) I arrive with Max a few minute after Tom. Why are you late today Jack?
(Jack) Well, i'm er......go jogging!
(Max) You're a liar, if you go jogging, you don't use the word er..., like that. Tell us the truth, dude.
(Jack) The truth is, i sleep late.
(Tom) Huh, just that you lied us, a?
(Jack) Yeah, anyway do you start filing the new document for Mr.Johnson?
(Max) Sure, help us so we can finish it faster. It already half pass 9 we only 2 and a half hour more.
[They then start filing the documents. Then at 11 nearly 12 they handed the document to Mr.Johnson and left for their lunch at American fresh, their favourite restaurant.]
(Max) Now we're here, american fresh. Let go in and get order, bro.
[They then enters the restaurant, order and eat their lunch. And at 12 nearly one they pay the check, and leave for the bank to get their work pay.]
(Jack) Now we get our pay so let go to the pub and get a few drinks.
(Tom) Good idea.
[They lwave the bank and headed for the pub which was round the corner.]
(Tom) I'm thinking about the mission, will it be okay if we just get the terrorist not the boss, because the boss can form the team again.
(Jack) I think the boss is in Miami, too, so if we can get over them. We can arrest all of them, sounds good right.
(Mike) Yeah, dude.
[They spend like 5 hours in the pub. And now it already 6, so they all left for their own house.]
#Jack house
(Jack) Balto!
(Balto) Whoof, (he start unlocking the door)
(Jack) Thanks Balto, let make salad.
[Jack change to his pajamas and start making dinner.]
[After dinner Jack wash the dish watch TV with Balto and the he go to bed]
Part 2
To be continue Part 3......