

My Cenderella ep 8 "High fever"
An hour before the date of the party, ‏I was getting dressed and I said while I was looking at myself in the mirror: ‏Is this too much, ‏Sami ‎!!! ‏This seems simple ‎!! .. ‏So Sami approached and removed the tie, ‏cheerfully saying: ‏You will not go to her engagement ‎.. ‏so there is no need for this ‎.. ‏and I laughed and then went back to look in the mirror saying: ‏I will leave early so as not to be late ‎.. ‏and you go anywhere after we go out together ‎.. ‏He said calmly: ‏Right ‎... ‏But now you tell her the truth ‎!! ‏I stopped arranging my clothes, ‏quietly saying: ‏Do not take away my joy now ‎.. ‏This topic does not come out of my mind at all ‎.. “I smiled” .. ‏But now I will not think about it..Did you bring flowers? ... ‏and he carried her off the table, ‏saying, "Yes, ‏it is ready." ‏And he looked at the pouring rain, "Will you be fine ‎?? .. ‏I said, ‏cheerfully wearing the perfume: ‏I will not let the rain prevent me from meeting her ‎.. ‏Come on ‎... ‏and we left

An hour later ‎.. ‏Rebekt stood up and said with a shy smile: ‏congratulations ‎.. ‏But excuse me, ‏I have to leave now ‎.. ‏As she is leaving, ‏Samer held her hand firmly whispering in her ear sharply: ‏You will not leave before the date of the dance that you will participate with me ‎.. "And she was very surprised." ‏Otherwise, ‏I was sad Your friend Sally, ‏and tell her that I called her only for you..and her heart is broken ‎.. ‏Rebecca was surprised by what happened ‎.. ‏She was not expecting all this to happen, ‏and she looked at the wall clock and she was only indicating the sixth and ten minutes, ‏and she said anxiously to herself: ‏Alster ‎.. ‏She moved her hand forcefully, ‏saying sharply and anxiously ‎: ‏Well, ‏but I will not wait for long ‎.. ‏He smiled, ‏saying: ‏Well ‎.. ‏excuse me for my reaction to this ‎.. ‏Rebecca sat anxiously without comment. ‏Ola calmly said: ‏Why you come back, ‏my dear ‎!! ‏Rebecca smiled, ‏saying: ‏Go ahead a little ‎... ‏Fadi grabbed the hand of Malak, ‏saying lovingly: ‏It is time to introduce you to my parents ‎.. ‏She was surprised, ‏saying: ‏What ‎!! ‏Now ‎!!!! ... ‏he pulled her gently towards him, ‏saying: ‏We will come back shortly, ‏comrades ‎.. ‏and they went ‎.. ‏Ola said cheerfully: ‏I will bring drinks for us ‎.. ‏it's time for fun..and Sally followed her, ‏saying: ‏I will come with you ‎.. ‏wait for me ‎.. ‏Rebecca looked To the hour anxiously at the same time that I arrived at the specified place, ‏saying to myself with joy:finally.. ‏Not much left ‎.. ‏a few minutes and you will spend the most beautiful time together ‎.. ‏and I smiled as I looked at the flowers.

‏Rebecca stood tense, ‏saying: ‏I have to go Samer ‎.. ‏I will not be late too much ‎.. ‏Samer quickly waited, ‏saying: ‏I like you, ‏Rebecca ‎.. "And she was surprised," ‏I like you for a long time ‎... ‏and I would like to join you in the graduation dance, ‏please ‎.. ‏She said nervously: ‏Samer ‎.. ‏I do not exchange these feelings with you ‎.. ‏You are only an old friend ‎.. ‏and Sally likes you ‎.. ‏So give her a chance ‎.. ‏Surprised with a little intensity: ‏But I do not like her ‎.. ‏It is only a normal girl for me ‎.. ‏You are the one I love. ‏And the cup of drink fell. ‏And the glass spread on the floor with Sally's tears, ‏saying, "Is this me for you ‎!! .. ‏And everyone looked at them, ‏and Sally continued bitterly: ‏I thought you liked me and you were just ashamed ‎.. ‏You called me yourself so I thought I was right ‎.. ‏But but" ‏and ‎"she got angry" ‏I was wrong ‎.. ‏Rebecca said sadly: ‏Calm down, ‏Sally ‎.. ‏and shouted at her, ‏saying: ‏Shut up ‎.. ‏I thought you were my friend, ‏but you cheated on me ‎.. ‏I will never forgive you ‎.. ‏Ola said calmly as she approached: ‏Calm down, ‏Sally ‎.. ‏Rebecca has nothing to do with the matter ‎.. ‏Samer said sharply, ‏looking at Sally: ‏I invited you only in response to Rebecca's request ‎... ‏She was worried about your grief ‎... ‏but I don't have any feelings for you ‎... ‏and Rebecca cried angrily, ‏saying: ‏How mean you are ‎.. ‏How do you say this with all this simplicity ‎.. ‏Ola said Sharply: ‏You have to respect her feelings, ‏you bastard ‎.. ‏And Rebecca looked at the hour and it was eight and said with fear: ‏No ‎.. ‏I was late ‎... ‏and ran, ‏but Samer grabbed her hand, ‏saying sharply: ‏Where will you run ‎... ‏Then rebecca got very angry. ‏However, ‏she was surprised by Fadi's strong punch in the face of Samer ‎...

‏He punched him strongly, ‏saying angrily, "Oh you a mean bastard" ‏and Samer fell to the ground. ‏Leave her alone ‎.. "He looked at Rebecca" ‏Go to him ‎... ‏and I will call him ‎... ‏and she moved her head in agreement and left ‎... ‏He continued looking at Samer alone: ‏And you left This party ‎.. ‏you spoiled it with your stupidity ‎.. ‏left quickly ‎.. ‏Samer got angry, ‏but he saw many young men behind Fadi and surrendered sharply and then left ‎.. ‏Fadi continued with a smile, ‏nothing was: ‏Let's continue the celebration ‎.. ‏Malak was looking at him with love, ‏saying and happily: ‏My hero.. ‏Olalooked at Sally as she was leaving the party calmly and grieved for her, ‏saying to herself: ‏I feel sorry for you, ‏Sally.

‏My phone was ringing ‎.. ‏I was sitting on the edge of the fountain soaked in the rain and switched off my phone completely, ‏saying bitterly: ‏She was fooling me ‎!! ‏Punish me as it happened to her ‎!!! "I looked around with despair," ‏I don't think it will come ‎... ‏Two hours have passed already ‎... ‏and I smiled sarcastically ‎....

‏Rebecca was running anxiously, ‏saying: ‏Stay in your place, ‏Alster please ‎.. ‏I am coming, “after she arrived,” ‏ALSTER ‎… ‏Are you here ‎???… ‏And she did not find anyone ‎.. ‏The yard was completely empty ‎.. ‏She was surprised when she found a bouquet of flowers placed On the ledge, ‏she grabbed her, ‏saying sadly: ‏I hope he doesn't buzz that I did it on purpose ‎... ‏and she embraced the flowers bitterly

I was walking tiredly in the corridor leading to my room. ‏Yami saw me saying anxiously, "Brother ‎.. ‏what's wrong with you?" .. ‏I did not answer him and entered my room, ‏so he said to himself anxiously: ‏He is very tired ‎!! ‏It seems that something big has happened to him.

‏I leaned against the door and said to myself bitterly: ‏She was planning to do that to me ‎!! ‏I don't think she is like this, ‏but ‎... ‏why ‎!!! ‏I looked, ‏I was breathing quickly, ‏my cheeks were red, ‏and I felt the room spinning, ‏but I said, ‏while I was trying to stand: ‏Not again ‎.. ‏How much, ‏I. ‏. ‏I hate. ‏. ‏. ‏win. ‏. ‏ter. ‏ .I feel a lot of pain ‎... ‏my feet did not carry me and I fell to the ground ‎..

‏At the same time, ‏Rebecca entered her house and Suzan said cheerfully: ‏How was your meeting ‎!! ‏you did not delay ‎.. ‏Rebecca was at the level of her head, ‏and she said, ‏tightening her dress and crying: ‏Nothing good happens to me ‎.. ‏This is not fair ‎.. ‏and I ran to her room crying ‎..‏

‏In Fadi's house, ‏he ‏was walking with his phone on his ear, ‏saying quietly: ‏Where is he ‎!! ‏Why his phone was switched off ‎!! ... ‏I hope they didn't quarrel again ‎... ‏and he took off his phone‏

In the morning, ‏Yami knocked at the door, ‏quietly saying: ‏Brother ‎!! ‏Are you inside ‎!! .. ‏I was still falling to the ground, ‏I opened my eyes tiredly, ‏saying: ‏Oh ‎.. ‏oh ‎.. ‏Ya. ‎. ‏mi. ‏. ‏he wanted to leave, ‏but when he heard the sound of murmurs, ‏he quickly entered, ‏saying anxiously: ‏Alster ‎!! ‏He was surprised when he saw me on the ground and ran to me shouting: ‏Sami ‎.. ‏Osama ‎.. ‏Alster, ‏what is wrong with you ‎.. “He touched my face” ‏Oh my God ‎.. ‏He is feverish ‎.. ‏The illness returned to him, ‏my God ‎.. ‏And Sami entered quickly and said sharply: ‏What is the matter ‎..H ‎.. ‏Alster ‎"Run to me and carry me" ‏Answer me what's wrong ‎!!!. ‏Osama rushed in at the same moment that Sami put me on the bed, ‏and Osama said sharply: ‏Bring the doctor to the prince’s room. ‏
‏fast ‎... ‏and everyone around me stood shouting my name ‎...

‎And my father stood sharply, ‏saying, ‏anxiously, "Alster ‏is sick ‎!! .. ‏He moved quickly and he and my mother entered my room ‎.. ‏When my mother looked at the one who placed her hand on her mouth, ‏saying with fear: ‏Son ‎.. ‏Son ‎.. ‏Many doctors were around me putting a feeder for me, ‏so my father approached, ‏saying anxiously:" ‏What is wrong with him, ‏doctor ‎!!. ‏The doctor said calmly: ‏It seems that his blood platelets have returned to the fall ‎.. ‏It seems that he was exposed to a strong influenza virus ‎.. ‏and his temperature is very high and we are lowering it as soon as possible ‎.. ‏He should not go out in the rain because his body is weak in the winter ‎.. ‏And Sami tightened his fist anxiously and in sorrow. ..And my mother held my hand, ‏saying with concern: ‏Alster ‎, ‏son, ‏recovered quickly, ‏please ‎.. ‏and approached ‎ ‎Yami, ‏saying, ‏sadly and anxiously,: ‏Open your eyes, ‏my brother, ‏if you hear us ‎... ‏and I was breathing quickly, ‏unaware of what was around ‎...

‏Sami's phone rang and went out hesitating, ‏saying: ‏Hello Fadi ‎.. ‎Alster... ‏He is sick ‎.. ‏And Fadi was surprised, ‏saying: ‏What ‎!! ‏High fever ‎!! ‏I am coming right away ‎... ‏hang up, ‏grab his coat quickly and leave ‎...‏

‏Rebecca was lay on the edge of her balcony, ‏looking at the stars, ‏saying to herself: ‏Are we not destined to meet ‎Alster ‎!!! ‏Only a short time has passed since we knew us ‎.. ‏But the problems never end ‎.. ‏Why ‎!! ‏A tear fell from her eye with a blowing calm wind ‎.. ‏Her mother entered, ‏saying quietly: ‏My little girl. ‏It seems that you are living through a difficult period ‎.. ‏Rebecca looked at her and lowered her head sadly, ‏saying sadly: ‏None of us could fulfill his promise to the other, ‏mom ‎.. ‏it seems that our love will not be completed ‎.. ‏Susan said cheerfully as she stood at the balcony door with Suzy: ‏The quarrel does not end My sister, ‏never ‎.. ‏Me and Ala, ‏our fights never end ‎.. ‏This is what the situation is ‎.. ‏But we are in love with each other, ‏so everything ends in front of that. ‏Her mother smiled, ‏saying: ‏Yes ‎.. ‏she is right ‎.. ‏I was also with my husband. ‏Had it not been for his love for me, ‏he would not have offered himself to drive me to rescue me from that reckless car ‎.. ‏And tears gathered in her eyes, ‏and Rebecca embraced her, ‏saying with love: ‏Do not be sad, ‏mom, ‏please ‎..‏

‏Rebecca's phone rang and ran to him, ‏saying, "I hope, ‏is it a piece of news from Astatr ‎..." ‏And she saws
the name, ‏and she answered, "Fadi ‎... ‏Hey ‎... ‏Is there any news from Alsatr?" ‏Fadi said hesitantly: ‏In fact, ‏Rebecca ‎... ‏that Alsatr ‎... ‏is sick now. ‏She opened her eyes in shock, "He had a severe fever ‎... ‏I wanted to tell you so that there would be no misunderstanding between you again ‎... ‏H ‎... ‏Rebecca ‎!!! ... ‏Rebecca was so surprised that she dropped her phone ‎...‏

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