

kind of???
I am the type of person for whom everything happens in extremes. Either I absolutely love something or I absolutely hate it. It was all either black or white; my brain wasn’t programmed to recognise the greys.
I made spontaneous decisions and always went with my instincts, which happened to be very shitty, making me end up in extremely shitty situations. My best buddy got me out of them. And she was the one who thought of good cover-ups to hide whatever I did.
They were caring people, people who actually liked interaction and respected everyone’s feelings and emotions. And I . . . no matter how hard I tried – and I didn’t try very hard at all – I couldn’t bring myself to care. About people, their feelings, relationships . . . Very few people mattered to me. I was a loner and was genuinely happy that way. And I didn’t fit in anyones world. I was one of a kind. Maybe God had realised his mistake after creating me and never repeated it. There simply wasn’t anyone like me. That was the reason why I never had a best friend. Even though I somehow did make a few friends, I could never keep the friendship. I didn’t know how to. And then my bestie came into my life; my first best friend. The friendship hadn’t shattered like before, for a sole reason – she didn’t let that happen. She was one person in the world who actually understood me, who actually accepted me and loved me with all my flaws.
Much like my father—Much like my dead father.
Growing up, I hadn’t minded all the broken friendships because I knew that no matter what happened, I had her, my mother. I had her and I cared for nothing else. Not anymore. His death had destroyed me. Keeping Maa company wasn’t my sole reason for staying back at my native for graduation. As much as I hated leaving Maa alone in such a time, I also couldn’t bear staying away from her. I needed someone I could love and who’d love me back unconditionally.