

Dawn At Sunset - 2
So sorry guys for the eternity of waiting. here is chapter 2 of Dawn At Sunset and I hope you enjoy though this one is a bit shorter. 😊



There was traffic on Yong-bo Street. Ha Yoon had been stuck in it for almost 30 minutes - 35 minutes to be exact as she looked at her phone to see that it was now 9:05 am.

'Another bottle of soju and maybe some ramen ttang would do good right now', she thought. She was already grossly late for school and had missed her first class of the day - Maths. 'There is no need', she reasoned,' to hassle myself to catch the next classes.'

She was out of excuses to her tardiness and frankly was too tired to put any effort in fabricating one at the moment. Besides there was nothing better than for an honourable student such as herself to maintain her perfect streak of being absent from her Friday classes.

"Make a right on Jeung-Jo Avenue," She ordered the driver, getting a large sweater from her knapsack and throwing it over her school uniform.

"Mhm? Ah no need for that. We are approaching the bypass we'll be to your school in no time. Besides Jeung-Jo has a bit more ruffians for my liking," the driver replied his bushy eyebrows arched as he regarded her in the rearview mirror.

"What are you doing anyways dear?" He asked straightening his neck up more to get a clearer view at Ha Yoon in the mirror. " Getting ready to walk the runway?" The old driver chuckled clearly finding himself amusing as he passed the by pass and turned on Jeung-Jo avenue. "What business does a girl like you have around here any ways."

The driver examined the many bars and liquor stores that lined both sides of the streets. Before some bars some men gathered smoking whilst they played a game of cards. It was the sort of place where the air was stale with booze and the rare breeze, gifted one's nostrils with the smell of cigarettes and the fatty fried goodness of the street vendors that were peppered along the road.

"Soul business," Kim Ha Yoon answered popping the cap back on her rouge lipstick and ruffling and fluffing her hair to give her that alluring older look. Coupled with her quick makeup one could easily think her 22 than 17 she concluded snapping shut her pocket mirror.

"Soul business huh? A pretty girl such as yourself should be in school, not milling around. Make something good of your life," the driver chastised turning slightly in his seat to look at her.

"Speaking from experience I see," Ha Yoon replied with a lop-sided grin, her snide remark receiving a disapproving 'hmph' from the driver. She stuck him a 10 and bounced out of the car as it rolled to a stop.

Her school heels clacked against the asphalt as she strutted down the alleyway to a rustic type of bar snuggled between a gambling shop and a fast food truck.

"Hey Ping-Ping. How's the old truck treating ya?" Ha Yoon greeted a pale lanky guy with permed black curls held up in a ponytail. The guy, Ping-Ping smiled a wide toothy grin pronouncing the stress lines that marred his otherwise youthful face.

"Well it sputtered all the way over here and crashed twice in the middle of traffic. A idiot busted the tail light last night on the free way and I got to get a battery change this weekend. So yeah pretty good," he said handing a customer their order of tteokbokki.

"Sucks." Ha Yoon replied with a grin. "But serves you right driving on the freeway. How did you get on there anyways?"

"Ah," Ping-Ping said with an easy shrug, "living the life of the reckless I guess." This was followed by a hearty laughter which Ha Yoon joined in with a chuckle. "Speaking of which doll face," Ping-Ping stated in a mischievous whisper, " seems like you have come to the underbelly of Incheon to be a little reckless yourself. You know you should really be in school."

"Uh huh. Says the guy running an illegal food truck on his college breaks," Ha Yoon quipped and laughed as Ping-Ping have her a hurried "Shhh!"

"What you're trying to do put me out a business or something?" Ping-Ping asked eyes darting about, wary if anyone heard.

"Well I guess we all have our skeletons in the closet, so no need to go throwing rocks. Sell me some pork belly would you," Ha Yoon stated slamming the money down on the counter.

"That is sooo not how that saying goes," Ping-Ping replied his shoulder rocking with laughter as he took up the money and went to prepare the order.

"What can I say, am bad with idioms!" Ha Yoon replied in a delightful voice a smile set on her cherry red lips.

"Yeah right," Ping-Ping replied setting the strips of meat in the fryer.
