

Part I

It has been a few years since that painful incident that changed the relationship between the two of us.

Hi, Love it's me do you still remember me, our memories? I'm the one who remembers everything.

"Loveee!" I rationally said to him, how come the man is sleeping and teasing me.

"Because I'm awake." He said as he shook me. "It's 1pm." At the time he said in the village I literally woke up from lying down so the result .....


"SH! T!"

We said at the same time because we collided when I suddenly stood up because I was worried that I was still busy.

When I was about to go to the bathroom, Love stopped me, so I frowned when I looked at her.

"I already excused you." I breathed a sigh of relief at what he said.

Since I didn't get in, we just flirted in the afternoon.

"Loovvveee?" He called me for the third time so I turned to him because I was doing my thesis for next week.

"Remember that I love you so much, nothing will change no matter what happens." He paused for a moment. "And no matter what happens, I love you so much and I want you to always choose the one that makes you happy." I burst into tears at what he was going to say because he was saying goodbye.

"Love for you to leave." I said sadly and I couldn't help but cry when I saw that he was also in tears.

"I love you."

"I love you too, so much."

Hi, Love miss you.


"Hello did you see Zen?" I asked a classmate of Love's, I'm worried because since I didn't get in we haven't seen each other again because it's the Finals.

But he didn't even text or call.

"He left early, I'm sorry." The person I asked was obviously nervous.

"Thank you!"


Your unfair e you didn't even tell me, you should trust me I'm ready to accept e.


"Daddy!" Am I distracted by the kid running towards my back?

When the child passed me, I followed it with my gaze and the faster the child hugged his 'Daddy', the faster my tears fell.

I saw him look at me and he was so shocked to see me crying.

I ran away sharply as he would have stepped closer.
© Zea eille♡