

who is dare devil was he was 18 year teenage boy and his father was an scientist and he was researching on increacing human powers with animal DNA and one day dare devil his real name Abhishek ... and he went to his fathers lab at a night time it was 9 pm and their was accident inside the lab and i was inside the lab but no one their every one went outside of the lab the lab was bursted and every chemials were busted and fell on me and a heavy rain was their i think that is my last minute of my life but nothing happen to me i was shocked and everyone came and saw me and they also shocked and my father take me to home the next day i feel very strong very strong and i started to study in five minutes i studued 111 pages in 10 mins the hole book and i told to my father i studyed the hole book and he was shocked amd he asked 3 tough questions but I told every question correctly he was so happy and told me to play with friends and I went to play football and I kick the to the goal post the net of the goal post was teared and everyone was shocked and ask me how da you did this this shot was so powerful like mercys shot and I got an small dout about my body and I checked my blood cells in the house lab (my father has an scret lab In his home )it was normal only ok no problem ok anything I leave this problem and I got an idea that can I make a suit like (iron man ) and I studied 11 books of robotics and I start to make an suit and and I was failed for 10 times and at the 11th time I successes and i did it with many weapons and it can fly but it need a pilot to fly and I started to help people and everyone like me and one day an terrorist group attack in an military base that time I went their that time one terrorist shoot basuka on me and it attack me and my suit was heavily damaged and I return to home that time my father was not in home he went to America for a research he will come in 14 days and the next day I went to Mr Prime minister's home and I requested to buy vibranium and titanium metal he also accepted my request and told me one condition that I should show my identity to the world I also accepted and he arranged an public meating and I relieve my identity and this thing is know by my father and he told you continue this job and I was also happy and after 2 days I got the vibranium and titanium parts for my suit and it inset my suit into my body and when I say wakanda forever that suit will activate and same word for deactivate and with that I help people and i got a Nick name as DEVIL.........