

Career over life, life over career?
The old saying "Do What You Love" is certainly true but it comes up with many pros and cons.
We get so caught up thinking about the purpose of life. The fear of making wrong decisions becomes a life-death situation for us.

The truth is, the only wrong decision one can opt for is not listening to the inner words i.e to the heart. When I say the word 'HEART' it means
what you really love to do. That's the actual purpose of life.
Another thing that hits the mind after realization of what you love, is to cope up with the aspirations and desires of the family associated to you.
Managing good work-life with your personal life isn't all about managing stress. It comes up with happiness which usually we crave for.
Therefore, "Career Over Life" or "Life Over Career" should not be the major concern. It should be to derive happiness and self satisfaction from the things you love to do instead you like to do.