

The Vaccine -Jessica
Jessica never believed a word the government said about anything. To her credit, when the world started to go mad, she was ahead of the curve. She would probably be considered the preppers prepper. She was well versed in the end of the world arts. When America began to fall apart as a result of a new deadly flu virus, her family and friends gave her some credit, but not her full due.
Two years and some change ago, a flu-like virus began to topple the world. In her mind, it was an engineered hoax to transform a nation into something else. Again, to her credit, sweeping changes took place across America. It was all so very gradual, and always in the name of safety. As she sat now in her rural home in Texas, America was a new land. Cashless payment systems, social monitoring, everyone was on welfare, political and cultural violence was the new normal. America had changed, there was no debate in this.
Jessica grew up in a typical Texas family. They were mostly conservative but a good portion was also liberal. Jessica however, was staunchly anti-government. This meant neither party was better in her eyes. She hated every family gathering. Understanding that the "voters" as she called them, we're just bound to highbrow her about supporting either side by not taking part in the utter nonsense of voting. Jessica decided to make her living being useful, she owned a gun range. Not just any gun range, it was a huge farm with realistic shooting houses and scenarios. Jessica had "professionals" training at her place. At five feet eleven inches, brunette, with green eyes, a slender but curvy build, Jessica was the catches catch. Smart as a whip, loud-mouthed, and oddly kind, there were not many men who didn't fall for her.
Jessica could care less about any of that. She was a warrior by trade and she was focused on surviving what she called TEOTWAWKI. That is, the end of the world as we know it. As the virus raged on, big pharmaceutical companies we're licking their lips with profit. Everyone wanted to be first to a vaccine. Not only big pharma, the people of America demanded one. Two years into the global pandemic, an American company had it.
Nobody seemed to care that upon announcement of the vaccine, the company who made it, wanted sweeping immunity from any legal claims. Not that it mattered much, most citizens we're clamoring for an end to the virus and a return to normalcy. With a controversial presidential election approaching, sweeping media coverage, and good old fashioned stupidity, the vaccine was not questioned.
Upon being made public, 1984 like new restrictions and monitoring of who got it and who did not, began to shape. If you wanted to exist in society, the vaccine was made a requirement. If you wanted to be a societal outcast, labeled as dangerous, speak publicly, or simply refuse the vaccine. As expected, the government painted themselves as savior, pushed the vaccine in major population centers first. All seemed well. People got the vaccine, we're able to go back to work, and cases of the virus dropped. If Jessica were honest, she almost felt like she misjudged some of her fears.
It was not until six months in, when a ten-day vaccinated boy in Los Angeles, fell asleep as usual, only to awake and burn his entire immigrant households home to ash, with them inside. Jessica certainly started to wonder. The news was simply writing it off as a boy gone mad. When a freshly vaccinated man did the same thing in rural Idaho, Jessica knew something was up. Again, the media found the reason, and the people believed it.
To the credit of the masses, when a third and fourth case of such barbarism took place, speculation about the vaccine started to run rampant on internet blogs, social media sites, and of course, the dark web. A fire was set to the world when several cases of those vaccinated with months under their belts, did hideous things to those within reach. Still, most people, despite an overpowering sense of concern, trusted the talking heads on the TV and government pulpits.
Jessica and her group, appropriately named "the snake eaters" sat securely on her huge farm watching all of this unfold. There simply was not something right about all of this. It wouldn't make much of a difference. She and her team had spent years preparing for a few of the book eventualities. The fact of the matter was. If you credibly prepared for a zombie apocalypse, you were essentially prepared for it all. Her group had decided this was not worth locking doors and exacting plans but they were definitely going to monitor the anomalies associated with this new vaccine.
By now, multiple cases of unexplainable homicide we're taking place in every population center. America is known for a ton of things, it's highly effective TV propagandist is most definitely one of them. However, when the American vaccine, exported worldwide, started to yield murderous results across seas, there were not many people left to derny, something was dangerously wrong with the vaccine. The UK, Australia, Japan, China, Russia, all had similar problems. People vaccinated simply woke up one day and we're committing egregious acts of violence on anyone, and anything close.

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