The power of an Aghori -The story of Guru Matsendranath ji and Hanuman Ji
The story of Guru Matsendranath ji and Hanuman Ji
Hanumanji, the absolute Bhakt of Shri Ram, is called 'Bir Mahabir'. Who foughts and conquered many battels to protect his Lord Ram. In the Scriptures he was called 'Sankat Mochan' because he rescued his fans from every crisis. The story of the Ramayana suggests that Hanumanji destroyed the big monsters with the power of his selfless devotion.
In the Battle Hanumanji defeated the heroes like Shanadev, Bali, Arjun, Bhima , and crushed their ego. But do you know that the Mahabali Hanumanji had a war with his pride that he had to face defeat? The one who defeated Hanumanji in this war was no one else, Nath Yogi and Aghor Guru Matsendranathji.
Once Matsendranathji came to Rameshwaram, he was overwhelmed by the bridge...
Hanumanji, the absolute Bhakt of Shri Ram, is called 'Bir Mahabir'. Who foughts and conquered many battels to protect his Lord Ram. In the Scriptures he was called 'Sankat Mochan' because he rescued his fans from every crisis. The story of the Ramayana suggests that Hanumanji destroyed the big monsters with the power of his selfless devotion.
In the Battle Hanumanji defeated the heroes like Shanadev, Bali, Arjun, Bhima , and crushed their ego. But do you know that the Mahabali Hanumanji had a war with his pride that he had to face defeat? The one who defeated Hanumanji in this war was no one else, Nath Yogi and Aghor Guru Matsendranathji.
Once Matsendranathji came to Rameshwaram, he was overwhelmed by the bridge...