

Split Personalities
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember...
Ola paced up and down across the wooden floor shaking her head oblivious to what had just happened. Her head felt heavy as if a burden of some sort troubled her and started to take over her conscious state. Work at the gallery had taken over and for some number of months now she had felt a presence within herself which was alien and quite frightening to say the least. All of this was nothing new to her but what was new was this masterpiece she now held tightly to her busom as if by it's sheer delicate state there was a chance it could disintegrate purely from the heat of her hands. A heavy sigh left her without warning and then the door rang loudly without a break. Her heart rate increased as suddenly she would have to explain how the most valuable painting ever displayed in Ireland found a new home nestled carefully upon her beating chest. Luckily she found a suit carrier her boyfriend had left behind, a perfect fit she thought as she hurried to answer the door. With a great sense of calmness she opened the door to be greeted by a mass of journalists bearing sad but not unexpected news. More to follow.......