

When they ask for a submissive woman!
If you men want to be the head then make sure you do everything right... Head us to your home!.

Don't hope I will build my house and take you in for you to come and be the head.

"Want to" not one You can't get an omelette without cracking the egg that's just what I mean...


Me 12:34

Why should women be submissive?

The Bible said "Man should provide. Eat at the sweet of his forehead" something like that in...

A man in every woman's life should be a provider whether you like it or not before even asking for submission.

Why should a woman submit to you if the only thing she asks from you "is to provide" and you can't do it?

You people only talk about the Bible when it fits you... Constantly remind women about what the Bible says... The Bible also say "No Fornication and no adultery"... The Bible says "Men love your wives" etc...

Me 12:41

See my ladies, these men have nothing to offer us... aside from their money because even sexually only a few men even know what is called satisfying a woman...

Have you ever wondered why when a woman, I mean a normal, bold woman who knows herself and who is not corrupt by society's patriarchal mindset is financially stable she does see the constant need for a man in her life?... Or why she's always termed rebellious in her marriage because for her is not a do or die?

We all need one another obviously but "reread!" my above statement...


Me 12:50

Do you know why?

It's simply because most of these men have nothing to offer aside from their money... That's just it!

Reduce this financial factor from your male partner and see what is left... If much is left then he's one in a million.

But no matter how a woman is poor in bed or poor financially she still has so much to offer; talking of mental support, woman you're his punching ball. He can throw all his frustrations on you, you allow him to be the head to feel good, smart no matter how stupid he is amongst his friends, you clean, cook, care for him n his children, and sometimes you hv a job to partly takes in the housing expenses... Etc...


Me 12:53

All I want to say now is that if you are a man and you ain't ready to support your woman financially or to do things right as "Strong, powerful leader men❞ do,

Don't expect to get any submissions from any woman. Period!

Hashtag #Stop_insulting_womens_intelligent
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