

An Angel In The Face Of Devil (Part II)
Lucifer first thought of doing nothing and let his god do the thing but later he thought that why should anyone suffer just because of the sins of god. He thought of helping the humanity and defeating the dragon king but he knew it very well that this was something that he couldn’t do alone. So he planned on giving the entire information to Amanadeal his elder brother. After hearing all this Amanadeal planned on involving their rest of the siblings as God is sealed in the silver city but angels could come in and out of the silver city. So Amanadeal without letting his dad know he called every sibling but they only had a power of four Lucifer, Amandeal, Rameal and Azrael as Yuriel was dead. They planned on looking into the rest of the universes that their dad had created so that they could gather all the help they could get. At one time they stumbled upon a universe in which humans have the ability to use magic and some humans have the ancient art of Dragon Slayer that they used to slay the dragons that were ruling them for a millennia. Looking at this Lucifer planned on learning that art. To learn that art he met the kings of Dragon Slayer, the current heir of the Dragonar Royal Family named after the first dragon king himself Arcadia Dragonar. Arcadia Dragonar accepted Lucifer’s proposal on one condition that he will teach Lucifer but he will come with him to defeat the dragon king. Lucifer agreed and Arcadia took him to the dragon soul realm where time has a different speed than the real world there Lucifer is trained for one entire year but in the real world it is just one single day. After returning they all together head towards the dragon-verse where the dragon king is resurrected. Lucifer with Amandeal, Azrael, Ramael, and Arcadia wage battle with dragon king. Fighting for one entire week Lucifer slays the dragon King with The Xenoblade and ends the battle with being victorious over the dragons. Everyone bid their farewell to the dragon slayers and returned to their respective universes. By the time Lucifer reached the earth of humanity his human body was severely effected due to the use of xenoblade and dragon slayer magic. Soon the human body started breaking down and that body died sealing Lucifer into the hell for eternity. The Arifar Crystal itself got extracted from that human body and moved towards the Silver City where an imprint of God is shown in an human form holding the crystal and smiling while looking at all the universe and saying : “one down”.
Is this entire thing of Lucifer coming into the human body and that body being Arifar chose was a plan of the almighty. Is this how he is going to end all universes by each other destroying one by one. Can this entire thing be plan of god and everyone in it as a pawn of chess????

© Broken Dior