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Hah! I'm unable to control my heart beat
I can hear it damn! every part shaking badly ,uhhh why ? Why am I the victim?
Stage fear, many have it although all my friends say they don't believe me having stage fear .I wrote a beautiful article on clothes and now surprisingly my language asl was on -clothes do not make a man !!! I wrote a relative article beautifully but then ..she shouted miles! Come up boy, and I was badly shaking all my mates looking actually felt like staring, I climbed up the stage and gave my introduction- good morning everyone I'm miles ,I'm gonna speak about clothes do not make a man, the panic the tension made me tremble badly I started to speak from middle line I don't know why? messed it up forgot the words and just blurbed everyword in my mouth forget them and now stood blank ..everyone staring hard I continued and ended badly ..
Maddy waved a thumbs up and Harold gave a simple smile I was shaking till 3 minutes...
I threw the books in my locker ...
Rode my bike and ran home and ping!!!!
I remembered that today was the return date of the book I issued from school library and I'll have to pay fine now ! Damnit!!!
Just turned around and rode to the library I stopped.. saw Ms.jasmine she said ," hmm ,I was waiting for you, I thought you forget it ,come in and find something else ,did you read this? how was it?
So many questions and I started to answer it all . I wasn't able to read as because of my assignments miss ...and screeching sound of shoes in the corridor, a girl showed up at the door asking permission to enter. Ms. Jasmine said her to enter and she calmly walked in ,settling her books on the first table I told her that I want to reissue this one as it seemed interesting. I don't know why but I was continuously keeping an eye on that girl
She came up with taking a Harry potter novel with a fat subject book and said to put the entries..miss jasmine made a face ...sweety, will you read both of them together ?and she said yup and I was like 🤔 how can she read these fat book together in a week ? Well weekends are for fun will she study or read the novel ! And miss jasmine said ," you didn't read the subject book last time and you always take these from the reserved section others wait to study and you take it for fun ! It was a bad insult I made a complete picture 😅 about her ...she took out a thin book with merely 50 pages named math puzzles.. and she said ,"ma'am please I have to read the novel my mom doesn't allows me to read so I show her the fat book ",I took my stuff and started to move and she called me ,"hey mister could you lend me a pen ?"
I melt badly before girls specially my age ! I gave her a pen and she exclaimed "I want a pen a working pen how could you expect me to write with a empty one !" I was embarrassed I shuffled through all stuff and finally gave her a pen , she scribbled and returned it saying a thanks ☺️. We moved out together and diverged on our ways... my best friend Pete asked me why was I late ? And I said I had to go to library. End of conversation. I took my control and we played till evening 😄 laughing and talking having snacks and auntie made a very very tasty cake I wish I would have taken more I already had 3 pieces!! Then I headed home and mom told me it's Friday !! And I moved hurriedly to my room taking out my notebook and Henry's ,copying notes to be free on weekends ...after an hour she called me for dinner we had a simple dinner and headed to our rooms I continued with my homework till a long time I was doing my work and slept after that !!
Booring !isn't it ?yes, my life is pretty boring I'm sometimes fed up but everything will change.... For Sure!

© my heart is not reserved