

-2 years ago-
As I walked down the dark alley, blodd dripping down my fingertips, I heard sirens. That's when I started running. I didn't mean to... I just wanted to leave... and for her to stop, I thought to myself." I didn't mean to!" I cried, falling to my knees.

I sobbed for a few minutes. I relplayed what happened in my mind, over and over again. I screamed on the top of my lungs, " Fuck!"

I couldn't hear the sirens anymore. I looked down at my blood soaked clothes, wishing I could take everything back.

-Present time-
"It's already the last day of winter break, Macey," I said. "I don't want it to end because, I'll have to see Noah..." I trailed off.

"Shut up already. God, your such a baby!" Macey hissed.

"You know what happened!"

"I know, I know. But, Grace, It's okay, He won't give you any trouble! So you broke up with his 'best bud' or whatever but, Noah should have seen it coming!"

"But we promised things would go well!"

"I didn't promise shit. This is all you, bae!"

"Whatever, Macey!" I hissed." Besides, I like... you know who. Not James!"

"Why don't you just tell him you like him?"

"I just can't. I'm kind of stuck right now, Macey."

"I know, Grace."

"I-" I started, but was cut off by my sister walking into my room.

"Grace! Hurry up, I wanna go to the store!" She hissed.

"Okay, okay Anna! I got to go Macey. My annoying little sister wants to go to the store."

"Okay, bye!"

I hung up the phone and crossed my room to my doorway, where Anna was standing, impatiently.

"Your so loud!"

"Well, your really tall Grace!"

"When you turn Seven next week, you'll be taller, pip squeak!" I told her.

I put my hand on her shoulder, and we went downstairs to the kitchen. I knew there would be money in there so I could take Anna to the store while Mom's at work.

I dug through every drawer and found $15. "Let's go, pip squeak!" I said, cheerfully.

"Chill out! your weirding me out!" Anna hissed.

We walked out the frontdoor and headed down the street.

When we got near the store, Anna took the money and ran ahead, into the store.

Before I got to the door, I saw someone riding a skateboard toward me. Shit, I thought, when I saw who it was.

"Hey, Grace!"He yelled, coming to a stop.

"Noah! Hey man!" I hated myself for saying that." What's up?"

"Quit the act, Grace. I know you broke up with James." Noah said.

For a moment, I started at his cool blue eyes, his wavey dark brown hair."I-I did, yeah..." I finally said." I know that you really wanted things to work out but I like-" I stopped myself from saying.

"You like? Who? Who is it? Tell me, please?" He begged.

" I... I uh..."


"Fine! Gosh!"

"Thank you!"

"I... I like you!"I said, shyly.

Noah stared at me, then began to reach for my hand, but before he grabbed mine, Anna grabbed my hand and screamed, "Home!"

"I'll talk to you later, Noah!" I whispered.

"No, wait, I'll walk with you both. We can talk at your house, Grace." Noah said, taking Anna's other hand.

Noah is sweet, caring, smart, and a little weird. He's studying for law school, I think. I wonder why someone like him would ever like someone like me, even as a friend.

"Okay." I said, reluctantly.

As we approached my frontdoor, Noah and I released Anna's hands and she went inside. I began to follow her, but then Noah gently grabbed my hand and whispered, "Grace, can we talk? It's important."

"Yeah," I replied. "We can. Is this about what I said back at the store? I knew I shouldn't have said anything." My eyes began to water, uncontrollably. "I just ruined our friendship, didn't I? I'm so sorry, Noah, I'm so sor-" before I could finish, Noah wrapped me up in his arms, pulling me close to him. I felt so safe for the first time in so long.

"No, Grace, I'm sorry. Don't cry. The truth is... I really like you. I have for a long time."

"Then why did you want me to date James?" I cried.

"I thought it would make it easier to erase my feelings for you."

I let out a loud sod. I felt like I could cry forever. "Please don't let me go!" I cried.

"I won't, Grace."

We sat there, in silence. I sobbed the entire time, and I could feel Noah crying too.

When we managed to stop crying, Noah pulled back and whispered, " Can I, uh, come inside or is that not okay?"

"It's okay, but I do have to call Macey at 5 o'clock."

"Alright,"Noah said, smiling bright.

We walked up the stairs and through the front door. Mom was talking to Anna. I could make out what they were saying pretty well.

"Anna, you know we have to leave tonight." Mom told her.

"But what about Grace?"

"I left money in her bedroom. She'll find it. I also called Macey's mom so she can stay at her house."

"Okay... I'll go tell Grace bye."

"No!" Mom hissed. "She can't know."

"Okay, okay."Anna said, obediently.

I looked over at Noah to see if he hear them. He was looking at me, wide eyes.

We went into my room, closed the door, and I plopped down on my bed, Noah sat in a chair.

"Do you know what your mom was talking about?" He asked.

"I think she's gonna... abandon me." I whispered.

"Crap. I'm sorry. You can stay with me if you'd like. My door is always open."

to be continued